•24• Tickle Battles

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Morning of January 30th - 04:30am

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Morning of January 30th - 04:30am

Crystal's P.O.V
I wake up to find my self in a awkward position. Someones arm was draped around me whilst my head was buried in their stomach.

The arm was literally squeezing the life out of me. I don't even know how I managed to fall asleep when I can hardly breathe.

I bury my head deeper into the person's stomach. The person actually smelt really nice. I could tell it was one of the boys due to his strong deodorant.

Hold on a second... How did I even end up here, I thought. And who is this random boy next to me.

I don't even remember falling asleep and I'm surprised I did fall asleep due to my horrendous nightmares.

I rummaged my memories to try remember anything before sleeping. It's quite hard for me to remember as I have really bad memory. One time, I changed my email password and then I forgot it, literally five seconds later...

I scratched my head trying to think. I couldn't remember a thing.

But then suddenly, last nights events all came back to me. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was my nightmares and----


Oh no! He can't find out about the nightmares. I refuse to tell him. I refuse to tell anyone. I'll tell Liam when the time is right and now is not the right time.

Especially on this day...

I would be despised for the rest of my life. Riley found out and now she hates me. I can't risk Liam and Frank finding out.

I might tell him parts of it today but not the full thing. I can't tell him what actually happened on that day. I caused it and I can not bring myself to tell other people. I know for a fact, I will have more and more nightmares which will cause endless tears.

The thought of that day makes me want to cry and die in a dirty ditch. No one actually knows what happened on that day except for two people.

And one of them is 'dancing with angels' so he doesn't really count. Therefore, only one person knows, other than me.

That one person is not Riley, I only told her parts of it and she betrayed me. Imagine if I told her the whole thing.

The day when my brother died.

I start sniffling, and I could feel my eyes watering. I gently gaze upwards to try stop the tears and when that didn't work, I bit the insides of my cheek. It pained a lot but I didn't let that stop me. I bit down harder and harder until the point I felt a strange liquid in my mouth; blood.

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