•11• His Past..

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This chapter reveals most of Josh's Past but I'm making sure it doesn't reveal any of Crystal's past :P I feel so cruel -.- Btw, thanks for 600 reads XD

(Before Crystal and Josh meet)

Josh's P.O.V

(Few months before Christmas)
I don't get why Mum and Dad always take pictures of me. Apparently its because they want to show one of my relatives how much I've grown but I don't believe them. (Josh's 'parents' always take pictures of him and send it to Crystal every two/three months so Crystal knows how he's doing - in case you were confused..)

Life with my parents is quite fun but the thing is; I don't look like them. I have brown hair and Mum and Dad both have blonde hair. I have brown eyes and Mum and Dad have green eyes. It's quite confusing but I shouldn't be worrying about adult things like that as I'm only eight years old.

I love living with my parents but its quite lonely. I feel like I'm missing something or someone.


(Also before Christmas)

Today is my birthday! It's October 17th and I'm going to be nine years old. I'm really excited to spend it with my friends but not so excited to spend it with my parents. Everything was fine until a few months ago.

Mum and Dad started going out to the pub. At first, it was only for a hour or two but then it would become days and then weeks. I didn't mind at first because I could fend for myself but when they started beating me up; it was horrible.



I was upstairs in my room playing with a couple of toys. Mum and Dad were still at the pub. They went to the pub yesterday night and still have not returned.

I was waiting for them to get back. I was starting to get hungry and then I realised I forgot to eat lunch. I raced downstairs and grabbed some cookies and some toast and legged it back upstairs. But halfway up the stairs, I heard the door open.. They're home.

I could hear them arguing, thankful for the distraction; I tried to slip into my room without them knowing.

I walked to my room slowly, trying not to make a noise; until there was a creak. I should have remembered not to walk on the left side as it was quite noisy... Hopefully my parents didn't hear...

"Joshua! Come here you dumb bitch!" I heard the deafening scream of my Mum, which turns my face whiter than a sheet of newly made paper.

"What's taking that little shit so long?" My Dad slurred angrily, waking me up from my trance as I quickly walked towards my father.

They don't normally hurt me; but when they're drunk, they tend to abuse me a lot.

Upon seeing me, they snarled, a monstrous thing to look upon since they were towering above me also.

It was then I noticed my Dad was holding his once white underwear but now pink underwear. It wasn't really my fault; I didn't know that you were supposed to separate the white clothes from the rest. So I might have, by accident, put some red socks in there with his white underwear.

"Because of you, I was humiliated by some woman while I was getting some. And now you're going to pay." He screeched. I gulped aware of what would happen next. Taking a step back, I was ready to run, and take shelter somewhere. But then why would I run, when I have nowhere to hide...

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