•30• The Bird Shat Bus Driver

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Picture of Crystal Above :)


Crystal's P.O.V

I really could not be bothered with the holiday thing anymore as it is most likely going to fail. So instead of sticking around with Toby and Liam, I decided to go to my room.

I leap onto my bed and took out my phone from my back jean pocket. Normally when I'm bored, I normally go to sleep but I have had enough sleep for one day.

For about 15 minutes or so, I was playing Flappy Bird. I'm definitely not the best at the game as them tube things are everywhere. And I get pissed off easily so I end up poking my phone really harshly. I wouldn't be surprised if I cracked the screen of my phone due to my poking. The main reason for my harsh poking is that I can never get past 10 tube things which really aggravates me unfortunately.

I continued tapping on my phone when Sapphire barged into my room clearly bored.

I don't know if I mentioned this but Sapphire and I have gotten super close. It's actually really funny how we had a fight on my very first day at the Dumping Ground. I don't exactly regret the fight as I don't let anyone talk shit about me. Especially if they haven't even gotten to know me.

"What you doing?" She asked in a dull tone.

I look down at my phone and realised I was one coin away from beating my high score! I frowned before looking back up to Saph,

"I was playing Flappy Bird and nearly beat my high score when you came barging into my room," I sarcastically said and pouted at the end to show how upset I was.

"Ohhh, I'm so sorry my queen(!)"

I chuckled and decided to play along with what Sapphire was doing,
"You best be! Bow down to your queen at one, you stinky peasant," I smirked evilly.

"Neverrr," She stuck out her tongue before grabbing my phone out of my hands.

I looked down to where my phone once had been then pouted. My phone is my whole world so I will get upset if anything happens to it. Only I can use my phone and no one else.

I will even be on my phone whilst I'm on the toilet. Now that shows a lot about how much I care about my phone. Yet, I have had numerous amounts of times when I have either dropped my phone down the toilet, the stairs or just generally stepped on it.

"My baby! You took my precious baby!" I scream dramatically, "You will pay you peasant!"

Okay, maybe for this particular incident; which is someone else taking my phone, I didn't take too seriously as I know I can trust Sapphire. It's not like she would eat it or something. Or would she? Then she would poop up my phone parts.

I started giggling at the thought and then started to laugh like a maniac before ending up into a fit of cough. This was probably due to the lack of oxygen in my lungs as I was laughing a lot.

"A-are you al-right," Sapphire asked whilst laughing and patting my back rather harshly.

As soon as I stopped coughing, I smacked Saph's head playfully and glared. I then took my phone out her hands and sat down on my bed, cross legged.

Sapphire looks at me and then realises something as her eyebrows practically went onto her forehead.

"So, do you wanna go town?" She smirked and did the puppy dog eyes.

I stick my tongue out and look at the ceiling pretending to think.

One thing Sapphire is, is that she is extremely impatient. I remember one time, Frank had to pass on a message from Saph's boyfriend, (Don't ask me how Frank knows her boyfriend because I don't even know), and Frank refused to tell her which caused Sapphire to throw objects at him. And one of the objects also happened to be my phone which got me extremely pissed off. That meant Frank had two moody girls beating him up.

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