•31• Dancing In The Rain

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Early Update! - 9K💞 (30/05/16)
Tenks everyone!!💚

Picture above is Alex :)

Picture above is Alex :)

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Crystal's P.O.V

"So how are we getting to town now?" I grumbled whilst pulling down on my t-shirt.

Sapphire has been trying to get the attention of people in their cars whilst I have just given up and is sitting on the pavement.

The people mainly blanked her or just replied with some curse words for her wasting their time. I can't believe how adults treat some innocent children. Well I'm not innocent but Sapphire is.

"I don't know," Sapphire mumbled, sitting down next to me.

I have given up on hope. We are going to be stuck here forever and die slowly to our deaths. Sapphire will obviously be the first to die as I would probably kill her for my source of nutrition.

I was thinking for more ideas, when I realised we had forgotten the most obvious thing to do.

"Sapphire. We have phones," I gritted my teeth in annoyance for not remembering that.

Sapphire gasped and immediately took out her phone to call someone. I also took out my phone as she is most likely texting her friends so I should text Alex.

To BooBear💞
From Crystal💚
You still going town?💕

I started calling him BooBear because he is cuddly like a bear so it just fitted him. Plus, he refused to let me save his name as Alex as it was apparently too ordinary. He saved my name on his phone as BabyDoll as I apparently have the features of a little kid; which is definitely not true.

My phone pinged which indicated that he replied.

From BooBear💞
To Crystal💚
Obviously! Meeting up at the usual place yeh?😘

I laughed at how the usual place was where we first met. It was at a cafe and I was alone drinking my tea; which was extremely hot may I add. Alex was with his friends and they decided to dare him to try flirt with me and get my number.

I was obviously not the type of girl to fall for boy's charms so I played hard to get. It ended up with him getting frustrated and offending me. I obviously got pissed off, and lucky me; I had my tea right next to me. So the next thing you know is that I pour it on his hair.

His friends ended up laughing which made him get angered even more, so he stole my precious cake and threw it at one of his mates. Those who know me well, know not to mess with me and my food.

Let's just say we created a food fight which caused us to get kicked out of the cafe. I was devastated as that was my favourite place to go. Luckily, the person who owns the cafe is one of Alex's friends Dad, so we were allowed back there.

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