•17• It's Definitely Mustard

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A few weeks later...


Crystal's P.O.V

I'm going to be starting school soon and I am freaking out. I hate school; like normal teenagers. But I'm really scared that I'm going to be a loner, it won't really affect me but I want to have at least one friend there.

What if someone bullies me because I'm in care. It happened before in my previous school with a guy called Matt. He took the piss so badly! I ended up punching him in the nose and getting my self excluded.

I'm texting Harvey right now as I'm really bored and Liam doesn't feel like doing anything right now.

Phone conversation:

Harvey: Hey wanna do somefin? XD

Me: Like whattttt? :0

Harvey: Idk, I thought u wud know wut!

Me: But Idk!!

Harvey: How bout, since I saved ya from Chris, I take u on a date :)

I thought about it and decided it won't be that bad. He saved me, it's the least I could do.

Me: Sure! Wat time doe?

Harvey: how bout 4?

Me: kk :)

Harvey: I'll pick ya up ;)

It was 2.50 right now so I had a long time ti get ready. And that was our full conversation. I really wanted to do something fun to kill the time so I went to look for Carmen. I still don't completely like her, but I guess she's alright.

I knock on Carmen and Lily's room before going in.

"What's up?" Carmen asked.

"Nothing, just bored. Where's Lily," I quizzed curiously.

"She's gone with the Perry's! She's going to get a chance to be fostered by them so she can be with Poppy and Rosie." Carmen trailed of at the end and frowned.

I was confused. Who was Poppy and Rosie. I'll ask Liam later on.

"Hey, wanna do something fun?" I grinned.

She smirked before replying,

"Can Tee and I do your makeup?" She asked innocently.

I nodded unsure.

Carmen shrieked before darting off to get Tee. Within seconds, they were back.

"Should I even be this scared right now?"

They chuckled before examining my face to see which look best suited me. They both looked at me for a while before Carmen whispered something in Tee's ear.

They both smirked before taking out their makeup pallets and different brushes which I have no idea what they do. This is going to be a long dayyy.

They first grabbed some foundation which was at least six skin tones darker then me and then smothered it all over my face. I'm pretty sure I looked like an orange right now.

They then grabbed some concealer and applied it all over my face.

"Yanoe, concealer is only for the mistakes on your face," I mumbled.

"I know," Carmen smirked.

I gasped, "Are you saying my whole face is a joke," I sarcastically commented.

DISCONTINUED ~ Stuck In Care  {Liam O'Donovan fanfic} Where stories live. Discover now