•35• Hectic Night

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08/09/2016 - 14K❤️25/09/2016 - 15K❤️05/11/2016 - 17K❤️Thank you guys so much!🙈

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08/09/2016 - 14K❤️
25/09/2016 - 15K❤️
05/11/2016 - 17K❤️
Thank you guys so much!🙈


"Mike," I yelled as I entered the house, "You made me get my phone confiscated!"

I looked around trying to find Mike but he was no where to be seen. Liam had ran upstairs, getting his clothes ready for tonight's party. I sometimes wonder who's the girl out of the two of us.

As soon as I had gotten my phone back from school, I checked who had texted or called me and it appeared to be Mike. I thought care workers knew not to text children when in school.

Mike appearing out of the office says,
"Sorry," While giving me a sympathetic smile, "Just wanted to know if you got to school okay."

I sighed with frustration and just excused it,
"By the way, Liam and I are going to friend's house to revise for a test we have," I lied smoothly.

He raised his eyebrows,
"A test? You got a test on the first day of school?" He says beyond confused.

I bit my lip, trying to think of a suitable excuse. Quite difficult as it needs to be really good so that we could stay over night because I don't think Mike wants to see us drunk of our heads.

I nodded my head pretending to be frustrated,
"It's because we're doing our GCSE's next year so they want us to be prepared y'know," I rolled my eyes while looking at my nails.

I really need to get my nails done as the nail polish is starting to get chipped. I can get the perfect manicure at Lolly's since I saw her nails at school and they were amazing!

Mike nods his head,
"We'll be there all night so we will be taking our uniform and spare clothes," I bite my lip, hoping that he will buy my lie.

He hesitates before agreeing to let us go.

I don't know how I did it, but I think I just managed to do the absolute impossible!


"It's freezing," Liam shivered while hugging himself, "Didn't you text Lexi saying that we were coming round her house or something?"

I pursed my lips and scratched my head, "About thattt," I trailed off, "I kinda forgot to bring my phone?" I shrugged as Liam glared at me.

He scowled and shoved my out of the way, "Lexi!"
He screeched whilst banging on the door of her house, "Open the blooming door," He howled in the air.

Almost immediately, the door swings open, with a rather revealing Lexi. She was in her towel, with water dripping down from her hair.

"Quit staring would ya!" She slaps Liam around the head causing him to yelp.

I felt a pang of jealousy hit me as I watched him drool over the sight of Lexi. That should be me, I sighed.

I dismissed the thought out of my head and asked if I could come in before leaving Liam outside.

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