•7• Nerf Guns..

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Crystal's P

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Crystal's P.O.V

So as Liam and I are grounded now, we are supposed to be doing everyone's chores while the rest go shopping. They are buying Christmas presents today as the was only 14 days till Christmas. Everyone was excited except me. In my previous care homes, we never celebrated Christmas as they thought it was a waste of money and I agree with that. Why would I want to spend a couple of hundred pounds on them??

Any ways, as Mike is at some head care worker meeting thing and Tracy is ill; Liam and I have to join the rest and go shopping as we can not be trusted to be in an empty house - alone. So here I am, right now, arguing with Gina about unfair this is. Shopping is literally torture.

"Gina, why should I have to go shopping. I'm supposed to be bloody punished," I sighed with frustration as this argument has been going on for ages.

"You already know why. Now get the others and tell them to get in the mini bus," She replied back with a cold stare.

And before I replied back she shouted, "NOW!"

I guess she's a little stressed out. I don't blame her. There is going to be more than 15 children running around the shopping centre while Gina would try to control us. I just nod and then walk off.

I go into the living room to see no one there. That's strange. I quickly rush to the front door and see everyone already in the mini bus. I sigh and then go into the mini bus. I guess everyone is excited as they were all talking about presents.

I look around to see if there is any empty seats and I see one next to Liam. He grins like a Cheshire cat and then motions me to sit next to him. I sit down - more like slumped and then lay my head against Liam's shoulder. I then brace myself for the long journey ahead.


As soon as we arrive at the shopping centre, Carmen and Lily scream with excitement. I guess they couldn't contain it. Everyone starts rushing out the van but was then stopped by Gina. She gives us a long speech about how we should stay with our buddies.

Apparently my buddies are Liam and Frank as they are the only people I get along with. I look to my left to see Lily, Carmen and Tee as one group and then to my right was Toby and Johnny. With Gina was Gus and Harry. Sapphire was allowed to go by herself as she is going to be 16 in a few months and she needs to learn to do stuff for herself.

As soon as Gina had finished her speech, everyone ran in different directions. Literally, I lost Liam and Frank before we even went inside the centre. I grunt and then dart towards the centre, in hope that I will find the boys.

When I entered inside, I saw many happy families shopping. To be honest, I was quite jealous as I knew I would never be able to experience that again. I look around and then caught a glimpse of the toy section. That is probably where they are going to be. I scuttle past everyone and reach the toy section.

I look around and see no one. That's strange - where could they be? My question was then answer when a dart slams into my head. I wince in my pain because of the whole 'Chris & Holly' thing. I heard snickering. Probably some immature little brats, I thought. My thoughts were proven correct when both, Liam and Frank leap out of their hiding place and then shoot dart after dart after dart. I tried ducking many of them but I just ended up tripping over a baby doll.

"O-OH MY G-G-GOD! Are y-you alright?" Liam asked where hysterically laughing.

I glare at him and then feel something behind me back. I glance behind to see a nerf gun. Well, this is going to be fun I thought. I grabbed the nerf gun off the floor and then starting shooting the two boys. There were totally surprised as they had no time to react. As soon as all my darts were finished, Liam and Frank grin mischievously at me. This is not going to end well.

They reach behind their backs and pull out a nerf gun. Definitely not going to end well. I thought quick and rolled myself into another aisle. I felt like a ninja. I look on the shelves to find any weapons to fight back and I find some tennis balls. Just as I grab them, Liam and Frank appear at the end of the aisle. We were like them stereotypical cowboys. Staring at each other, waiting for one of us to make a move. I did the first move.

I took out my tennis balls and aimed at their guns. And as I am a fabulous aimer, I knocked out both their guns. Just joking, I am not a fabulous aimer as I was suppose to throw the balls at their head; but I guess it was a lucky shot. I then grabbed the larger footballs and then started chucking them. As soon as they were tired, I zoomed to another aisle.

I then decided that I should do some proper Christmas shopping as I would probably get in trouble with Gina if I didn't get any presents. Hopefully, the boys will find where I am so that I don't get in trouble for not sticking with my 'buddies'. I look around the aisle to see if there is anything that is interesting but that is also cheap as I only bought £45 and I doubt that would be enough.

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