•13• Gus Tour

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Crystal's P.O.V

"No... please don't. I promise I'll be good. Stop. Please..." I heard someone muttering.

At first I thought it was me hearing things but then I heard blood curdling scream.

"NOO! STOPP MUM!" The person continued screaming and wailing.

It sounded a bit like Josh..

"Helppppp!" He continued crying.

It was Josh. I leaped out of bed and ran to Josh's room. The whole of the Dumping Ground was awake. Josh's face was covered in his sweat and his tears.

"Why is he screaming Saph?" Harry asked curiously.

"He's having a nightmare.." She murmured back.

This used to always happen with him. It took ages to get him to wake up. We even had to go to sleep therapist. There was only one way I could wake Josh up.. It was the same way we would normally wake him up when he normally had a nightmare.

"Mike? Get me a glass of water quickly!" I whispered.

Mike nodded then rushed downstairs. I look behind my shoulder to see Liam looking worried.

"Liam? Get me cloth soaked in cold water," I hissed as he was frozen in one place. Has he never seen a boy having a bad dream?

"And the rest of you can go back to sleep. And please do not mention this to him tomorrow. He'd be embarrassed," I sighed.

Everyone leaves. I look at my younger brother and sigh. Mike then arrives back with a glass of water.

"Thank you," I say politely.

He nods his head before asking,

"Why do you need a glass of water?"

"He's gonna need it after screaming," I responded. 

Mike nods his head again. Josh was still muttering words but it wasn't as bad.

"I'm back, w-with your c-cloth," Liam wheezed while trying to catch his breath back.

I just smile and then grab the cold, wet cloth. I gently place it on Joshua's forehead while rubbing circles in his arm.

It always worked with him, whenever he had nightmares. Soon his muttering became whispering and then his whispering became nothing.

He was finally sleeping! After ten minutes of rubbing circles in his arm; he has finally gone to sleep. Mike sighs with relief and Liam; who had been there the whole time, said he was going downstairs to get some water.

"Well I'm going back to sleep," Mike chuckled.

"Okay," I whispered.

I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I just went into my room and started playing games on my phone. I couldn't get past the sixth level on happy wheels 2 and it was really frustrating.

My eyes soon felt droopy. I was then surrounded in darkness..


I could feel someone poking my cheeks. At first it was soft and gentle; but then they started doing it more harshly. Getting more and more pissed off, I opened my eyes and kicked the two brown haired boys off my bed.

"Jheeezeee! No need to be like that," Liam screeched.

"Yeh, no need to be like that!" Josh said sassily.

I chuckled. I have a feeling that Josh is gonna be a younger version of Liam.

"Well, how would you like it if I started poking your cheeks?" I sassed back.

DISCONTINUED ~ Stuck In Care  {Liam O'Donovan fanfic} Where stories live. Discover now