•26• Good Luck Boy {Part One}

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Im going to keep my chapters as appropriate as I can; meaning I won't be including swearing - as much.

It's been two months since Jake's eight year death anniversary. Everyone likes to call it my 'depressive state' as none of them, except Liam, actually know what happened.

Also, just last month was Liam's birthday so now he is older than me and is continuously teasing me about it. I'm going to be 15 on August 12th which seems like forever away.

That means I'm fourth oldest in the Dunping Ground as Sapphire is going to be 16 soon and Frank was 15 before Liam. I'm still 14 from the three.

Forgot to mention, but Liam, Frank and I have been excluded from school, due to an 'accidental incident'. It wasn't really my fault; actually it was.

Liam and Frank dared me to graffiti the boys and girls toilet with, 'Will you marry me?"
I don't know why but it was definitely their idea, not mine.

So the graffitiing part went okay? At first I didn't know how to open the can so I had to call Frank and Liam. They didn't mind as they were outside school on watch out.

But it was a bad thing to let them inside instead of keeping watch...

When Mr Muscles aka Frank, opened the can; I finally got to work. Bearing in mind it was at 10pm, I was too tired for graffitiing so I rushed it and kept on screeching when I got pissed.

How was I supposed to know what teachers go home at? I thought they went home at like 5pm or 6pm at the latest. But the headteacher, Mr Bell, decided he had extra work to do so he might as well stay at school.

Long story short, he caught us and we were forced to wash the spray paint off and had grumpy Mike and Gina pick us up. We were also excluded.

We did get grounded but this happened a few months ago so we ain't grounded anymore.

(School won't be mentioned at all because cba😂🙄 So enjoy my shitty excuse of them getting excluded lol)

Anyways, back to the present day. I'm currently screaming at the emptiness because no one is answering the fricking phone. It has been continuously ringing but not of the care workers seem to be bothered.

Tracy is currently taking driving lessons from Cam which seems to be failing horribly. Mike, Gina, Liam and Frank are 'supporting' her. More like teasing her about her terrible driving. Last time, I went to 'support' her but I nearly got run over by the car instead!

The phone continues on ringing for what it seems like a thousand years when its only 10 seconds.

I was getting frustrated so I decided that someone; not me, should answer the phone.

We're normally not allowed to answer the phone but today is an exception. Don't tell Mike or Gina though.

"Tobyyyyy, answer the fudging phone call," I screached.

I looked at Toby who was right in front of me and smirked at him. He looked at me confused and then looked towards the office.

"But your right near it," he whined.

I noticed that he was correct so I had to change his statement around a little.

I pursed my lips trying to think of my response,
"You're closer though."

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