•20• One Week Left {Part 1}

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Backkkk :) This chapter is short as it is just a filler for the following chapters which will contain a lot of drama and it will include her past in the next few chapters! :) Excited for yu guys to find out bout Crystal's past :D
Enjoyyyyy :)


Crystal's P.O.V

"Hiiii Mike," I grinned cheekily at Liam.

He gawks at me shocked and then groans before banging his head on the table.

"Where are you Crystal?" Mike says surprisingly, calm?

"McDonalds with O'donovan," I smirk before winking at Liam.

He glares at me as I just got him into even more trouble.

"Get back to the Dumping Ground please," He pleads with, I don't know; sympathy maybe?

But why would he feel sorry for me...

"No, why should I?" I said stubbornly.

I heard Mike sigh on the other side of the phone. I glance to my side to see Liam also on his phone, playing Happy Wheels.

"I understand you might be feeling upset and rebellious as we are getting closer to that dare but---" I immediately cut him off.

"Date? What date?" I snapped.

The only date I could think of was my period and I have already had it for this month. What could he be talking about? Maybe, he thinks I still miss my bro? Knowing Mike, it is probably that..

"It's January 23rd Crystal... Exactly a week before the day.." He sighed.

I gulped, trying to fight back the tears. It can't be close to that date. It can't!

I could feel my self shaking with anger. It was all my fault. I didn't have to do it, I could have just done it to my self! Then it would have been problem solved.

I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead while my throat started to get quite dry. I remember seeing his face. He looked so brave even thought he was only 16 years old. He didn't deserve it, nor did Joshua. But if only if I could have done it to myself...

He would have done a much better job of protecting Joshua than I could ever do. If he was here right now, he would be 24 years old. He could be married and have children. He could have even adopted Josh, me and him.

I looked down but that was a mistake. A tear rolled down my cheek and onto the table. Everywhere I look now, I see his face. He knew how to always make me happy; so why wasn't he here now?

I took my sleeve and used it to wipe my tears away. He didn't deserve it! My bottom lip started to tremble and my teeth started to clatter uncontrollably.

Liam looks up from his phone and a frown appears on his face. He swoops up to me before bringing me into a hug. I grab onto his jumper as if it's my whole life. I lay my head into his jumper making sure that my hair covers my face.

My mascara is probably running down my face and my foundation has probably reached my t-shirt by now.

Liam slowly starts playing with my hair while muttering words to me. It's like when he first saved me from dying from Chris and Holly.

My eyes slowly started to flutter which meant I was going to fall asleep. I closed my eyes, in hope that I would fall asleep.


"Just god damn do it Mollie!" He screeched at the six year old girl.

She flinched away, scared. She looked to her side to see the six year old boy holding the newborn baby. They don't deserve to be here, she thought.

She looks down to the black gun in her hands. She was trembling with fear. She looks to her side to see the man smirking at her. He caused this!

"C'mon, choose... which one?" He whispers menacingly.

She gulps and tries to avoid his eye contact. She couldn't do it! She couldn't kill him.

"Let's make it easier; it's either him," pointing at the brave 16 year old, "or your baby brother," He smirked while glancing at the baby.

"Just do it Mollie! Get it over and done with!" He sighs.

"If you can't make the decision, then I will!" The man reaches into his pocket and aims for my baby brother.

"Noooo!" She screeched and by accidently pulled the trigger.

She heard a boom coming out of the gun but she was hoping that she missed. She glanced forwards to see that she didn't...

He was bleeding at the side of his stomach. She caused this, I'm so stupid, she thought. She could have killed him!

I'm sorry lol :) Tiny bit confusing - I know!

Didn't want to write too much as I wanted it to land out a cliffhanger... But a few questions for y'all :)

1) Did she kill the person or is he just injured?

2) How old do you think girl is?

3) Who is him? (The guy holding the new born baby.)

4) Who is the guy that the girl shot? (Btw, him and the guy that the girl shot are two completely different ppl!)

5) Who the fuck is Mollie?!

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