•14• Pizza

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Josh's P.O.V

Gus's tour was finally over. I was more than happy; I wasn't even listening as the only thing going through my mind was 'Does Liam like Crystal?'

As soon as it was over, I sprinted downstairs to try find Liam. I really wanted to confront him so badly. I totally ship Crystal and Liam - they have my blessing. Their ship name can be 'Liastal'? I'll work on that later...

I look around to see it deserted. Where was everyone? I started to become curious...

"Mike? Where is everyone?" I shouted.

"They're in the garden talking to Crystal's friends," Mike screamed back while peering out of the living room.

I dart towards the door only to be barged by Liam. What's his problem!

"Where are you going?" I quizzed.

"Well away from Crystal's friends," he scowled.

Now I was interested. What's so bad about Crystal's friends that makes Liam so angry?

"Why?" I ask.

"Come with me and you'll see," he snapped.

I frown.

"Um, I'm s-sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you," he replied as soon as he realised he snapped at me.

"Don't worry about it," I said sympathetically.

He smiles at then offers to give me a piggy back ride. Obviously, I don't reject his offer.

"To the garden, peasant!" I exclaimed while clutching onto him.

"Of course my royal King," Liam says in a really posh, but weird voice.

I blurted out laughing,

"N-never do that a-again!"

Liam chuckles while I continue laughing.

We reach the garden to see Crystal talking to two boys. It wasn't really talking as the two boys were clearly flirting with her. I couldn't tell if Crystal knew or not..

Now I understand why Liam was in a bad mood... Crystal glances in my direction and then her whole face lightens up.

"This is my wonderful bro! The one I was talking about," My sister brags.

The blond haired boy walks towards me and says,

"I'm Harvey and that's Zak, what's your name," He grinned.

"Joshua," I mumbled into Liam's hair.

"Wanna play some football Josh?" He asks.

I scowl at him. Only close ones call me Josh and he ain't close.

"My name is Joshua! Not Josh!" I said while gritting my teeth.

"But Crystal said everyone calls you Josh?" He said, clearly confused.

"Only close ones..." I said smirking;
"And you are definitely not close to me, you flirt!" I sassed.

Liam tries to stifle back a laugh but he looked really weird as he started going red. I think Harvey was pissed as he stormed back to Crystal.

"Well done Josh," Liam whispers.

I grin before jumping off Liam's back.

"Soo, do you like my sister?" I ask.

"Um, n-no! Definitely n-not!" He says stuttering while scratching his neck - a thing I notice him doing when he's lying.

I smirk and then walk off.

DISCONTINUED ~ Stuck In Care  {Liam O'Donovan fanfic} Where stories live. Discover now