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Her phone suddenly buzzed for the nth time that day. She blinked a couple of times to focus her vision. She was doing it again, reminiscing old memories. Her aunt had told her to prevent herself from doing that. She told her it would do her no good in fact would only push her deeper into the darkness. She didn't know how long she had stared at the same shrub for; probably long enough for them to think I'm a freak. They think that anyways. She bitterly thought as she stole a quick glance at the boy sitting in the next seat across hers. He was busy fumbling with something in his hands. She pulled out her phone from her pocket, ready to read another instruction filled message from her aunt. However, reading a

'Hello, what are you staring at? :D -Lay' was the last thing she expected. She looked back at the boy, pinching her eyebrows together. He only gave her an innocent smile and blinked. Unsure what to do she held tightly onto her phone. He sure is persistent. It wouldn't really hurt........

'Outside, I was looking outside.'

The second his phone blinked with the notification he almost let out a cheer but luckily gained composure before doing something utterly embarrassing. He felt a wave of accomplishment run through him. She responded! Finally. He held onto his phone, feeling giddy and punched in another message.

'But there is nothing outside. Oh! And save my number, I don't want to be typing in my name every time :P –Lay'

She stared at her screen before giving the boy an incredulous look yet he still had the smile plastered on his face.

'Who gave you my number?'

'Principal Kim. She said we should have it just in case we wanted to discuss some plans with you. All 3 of us have it.'

Hana huffed in annoyance. How could she just go ahead and give my number to people without my permission?! .

"Hey! Baekhyun! Wake up; we still have to discuss the song!" Kyungsoo smacked the back of his head with his free hand while the other hand was carrying a translucent plastic bag filled with drinks. Scratching his head in confusion Baekhyun still half unconscious stretched before rubbing the remaining sleep out of his eyes.

"What took you so long anyways?" he asked his voice groggy, and yawned. Kyungsoo quickly covered the boy's mouth with his hand and muttered something about lack of table manners and plopped down into his own seat before handing out the drinks. "The line was huge. It was like they were distributing free food or something." Kyungsoo replied, every word dipped in annoyance.

"There was free food?" Baekhyun asked in awe whereas Kyungsoo sighed and mumbled a 'never mind' before peeking at his seat mate.

"Here's your drink. And what are you two doing?" Kyungsoo asked with a raised brow, looking between Lay and Hana who were both too involved in their cell phones to notice. Lay shrugged it off with a 'nothing' whereas Hana dismissed his question with a shake of her head and slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"Here, this is for you."

In front of her was placed a bright green bottle with a white cap and beyond it was an apologetic boy. Hana gave him a questioning look and found it amusing how the boy squirmed in his seat.

"It's an apology, for earlier. I shouldn't have said that. It was very rude of me." He ended with an awkward cough and she couldn't help but feel a bit warm inside. This was the first time anyone had apologized to her. Normally they'd blame her for their attitude towards her but the thought that he actually took the initiative to make an apology gave her a sense of happiness that she hadn't felt in a long while. His friends both gave him knowing looks and Lay made an addition of patting his friend on the back. Kyungsoo gave her an awkward smile, "So, are we cool?"

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