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Standard hours for a high school senior to wake up range anywhere from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the ethically approved time to contact someone would probably be after noon. In Hana's case however, things weren't so organized. One would prefer sleeping in after a mentally exhausting night and that was originally her plan but her phone thought so otherwise. The constant, not to mention annoying buzzing of her phone had disturbed her slumber and although she was happy to be pulled out of her nightmare, her eyes could use a few extra hours of rest. The vibration suddenly stopped, and she thanked the heavens as now she could go back to sleep and hopefully not dream.

Her nightmares were the same. Sound of sirens, flashes of people in scrubs running here and there, scattered pieces of broken glass, a blazed silver lancer and blood, pools and pools of blood. Every night she'd see herself in a white dress splattered with blood and burns on her cheeks, holding onto a corpse with a blank expression. Her distant eyes produced a stream of tears but no sound escaped from her sealed lips. But there was something unusual about this dream. This time there was an addition, a new misery.

She saw herself with a younger appearance in a corridor she remembered the journalism department was located at inside their school building. She was screaming at a boy the same age as her and pushing him away, fury was burning her system and there was rage in her eyes as she spat venom filled words towards the boy before giving him a hard push and walking towards the end of the corridor. She tried reaching out towards her figure but the girl passed right through her. Hana stared baffled at the escaping figure and heard the boy behind her shout incoherent words. She turned towards the boy again, his face still unclear and was just about to question him when suddenly her surroundings became a blur and the beige school walls suddenly turned into deep red lockers.

She heard a slam behind coming from right behind her. Turning to the sound she witnessed a sight that was etched in her memory like a carving on a rock. There stood Yuri in front an emotionless Hana. She could never forget the look in her friend's eyes on that day, the cocktail of emotions her eyes represented. Raw anger, betrayal and most of all sadness were the most dominant. Yuri screamed at her, accused her and shouted at the top of her lungs but Hana showed no response. Her eyes were empty and her expression was stoic. She had her back pressed against the lockers as her friend demanded answers, she gave none. Yuri tried to get her to speak, to tell her that what she heard was a lie and that she never did something like it. She was desperate, she wanted Hana to answer but her lips were sealed and her eyes dead. Yuri couldn't believe the possibility of her best friend doing something even near to the likes of it but Hana's lack of response made her confidence in her friend waver.

She didn't want to believe it but if Hana was not retaliating to her implications, then that would only mean that the sick rumors were indeed true and that Yuri had been betrayed by her one and only best friend that she treated like a sister. She took reluctant steps away from Hana, still holding her gaze and wiped her teary eyes to keep her vision from blurring. She took one last, long look towards her childhood mate before speaking the last words she said to her.

'Get out of my sight and never talk to me. I don't ever want to see you again.'

Hana gasped as she jerked out of her sleep once again, the cause being the same. Her phone buzzed yet again however, this time she was more than glad to thank God for being generous enough to wake her up. Pulling out her phone from under the covers of her pillow, she swiped it open to see that it was only 10:42 in the morning and that was 3 hours earlier than her normal wake up time. Her phone notified her of more than a dozen missed calls and an ample amount of texts.

Since when did I become so popular?

The size of her eyes drastically increased when she saw who they were from but what caught her off guard the most was the time since when her phone had been ringing. If she read the tiny white numbers correctly, then she had been receiving calls since 8 o clock. Skimming over the logs and confirming the owners she opened her texts.

'Hey! How about we 4 go out for lunch? We can discuss more about the festival that way!'

'Yo Hana! Lay suggests tht we go out for lunch! U up for it?! cmon it'll be fun!! :D '

'I just got a message from two idiots stating that you agreed to go out for lunch. Where are we going?'

'Why aren't you replying yet? It that a no? PLEASE don't say no! I already told Kyungsoo you agreed!!'

'Han darling, Lay is hyperventilating during soccer training XD I cn see him frm the second floor window XD he jst messaged me saying u hvnt replied n tht Kyungsoo will kill him if u don't come :P plz plz plz come along~~ pretty please!!'

'You haven't decided on a place yet? Are we gonna meet up somewhere before we go where ever it is that we're going?'

A bunch of more similar messages were read and she couldn't help but feel a little lighter. She noticed the first four messages were from Lay before Baekhyun joined and lastly Kyungsoo. She wondered why Lay had told them she agreed considering that he had sent the first text half an hour before Baekhyun's to which she still hadn't replied.

'Han darling? What makes him think he can call me that?' she shrugged off the thought though. She wasn't all too bothered that Baekhyun had given her a nickname, in fact she liked it. It had been a while since anybody had called her something other than Hana and though it was a bit weird considering that he had a pet name for her within less than 3 days of being acquainted, she didn't mind.

Rising from bed she pulled away her window curtains as she thought of ways she could decline their invitation without having Kyungsoo beat Lay and Baekhyun to pulps. Glancing out she saw her aunt standing in the front lawn and the events of last night instantly flashed before her eyes, she felt the pain returning. Hana didn't miss the thin white tube between her aunt's fingers neither did she miss the puffs of smoke that emanated from her aunt's lips. She felt guilt eat her up because she knew very well that the only person responsible for the miserable state of her loved one was none other than herself.

She did not wish to encounter her aunt and give her more reasons to worry about. Her phone buzzed again in her palm and she held it up to see a text.

'Ok I'm sorry. If you don't want to come its fine with me I'll tell Baekhyun and maybe we can make up a convincing story for Kyungsoo to buy. I don't wanna force you or anything so..... Yeah.'

Tightening her grip on her phone she looked towards the figure in the garden. She didn't want another confrontation by her aunt, and the only way for her to avoid another inevitable fall out on Junmi's side, the text was her only escape route. So although half heartedly, she texted the boy back, granting him with the answer he and the other had been dying for since Kyungsoo had no clue about the actual situation, and asked for time and directions.

'AWESOME! You just saved us from serious injuries :D we will rendezvous at the park near the school at 12 before we decide where to eat :D see you there!'

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