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It took a hit in the head and an elbow nudge for Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to stop gaping at Hana after seeing the slight uplift of her lips. The unusual twitch gave them more than just happiness. It gave them hope, hope to get her to open up more and more importantly, it fueled their determination to crack her shell open. They noticed the slight changes in her behavior; her little inputs every now and then assured them that they were right on track.

"So our options are now narrowed down to, a song about winter, love, Christmas, friendship and homicide.....? The heck? Who wrote this here?"

All eyes turned to Baekhyun who was slowly seen backing away.

"Oh come on! A song about love?! Friendship?! Seriously? What are we? Happy tree friends?!"

"Actually....Happy tree friends are morbid so......"

"Shut up Lay."
"Just saying."

"Look Baek, as much as I appreciate your....how should I put it....'enthusiastic' recommendation-"

"You don't appreciate it at all."

"- I really must remind you that this is a SCHOOL festival, to be attended by FRIENDS and FAMILY, and is being held in WINTER, around CHRISTMAS time. So singing about murders isn't really a great option, alright brother?"

Baekhyun commences his string of theories justifying his ideas while Hana has her chin propped on her palm and enjoying their bicker fest. The smile gracing her face had been visiting frequently ever since a month ago. She was too focused on their quarrelling to notice that the boy next to her was looking at her with the warmest smile and unlike usual, hadn't attempted to break the two boys apart.

"-we most certainly cannot sing a song about 'the mysterious death of someone's girlfriend'! Its highly inappropriate!"

"Yes we can! If Michael Jackson can perform 'Smooth Criminal' in front of an all age audience, we can sing something similar too!"

"Ok honestly? You're going with that now? Alright, how do you expect Lay to write about someone's girlfriend getting stabbed huh?"

"She doesn't necessarily have to stabbed, we can shoot her too."

"Potato, pota-to, same story."

"Oh puh-lease! Lay's a genius he can come up with something, can't you buddy?"

Both heads whipped towards the said boy who had zoned out their voices. He was brought back to earth when he felt Hana turning towards him and turned his own attention to the expectant eyes ahead of him.


"Wow....it's getting worse isn't it?" Baekhyun said with an expression that looked almost pitiful.

"Yup..." Kyungsoo nodded to his friends obscure statement which left both Hana and Lay with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's getting worse?"

"You think he'll figure it out?"

"Nah dude I don't think so."

"Guys, I'm still here." Lay said slightly agitated by the way his friends ignored his existence. He noticed Hana's raised hand, probably to remind them of her existence and looked back his friends.

"We were just discussing your caliber as a song writer."

"No you weren't."

"Yes we were. Apparently Baekhyun here wants us to sing about 'someone's girlfriend getting murdered' at the winter festival and I was knocking the fact of this being a ridiculous idea into his thick skull."

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