I Don't Like Her

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The next few weeks were agonizingly confusing. You know when you want the time to go by faster, but at the same time, you wish it'd just pass slower so you can take in as much as you can? Yeah well, that was the sentiment of the students of Seoul High School. Exams came with stress, responsibility, and self hate for procrastinating. But as soon as their torture was over, and their last exam paper had been collected by the invigilators, the screams and cries of joy filled the school. Hana ran towards the building where she knew she would find them. Being pushed along the way didn't really matter all that mattered was that finally exams were over and that after so long they'd be able to hang out together again. Spotting them wasn't hard, Baekhyun's laughter guided her towards their location. Hana could see the smiles she loved, a rectangular smile, a heart shaped smile, but there was this one smile that was missing. The dimple smile. Instead she saw another boy with black hair and defined cheek bones standing next to them with Kai. She hadn't seen him in her four months of knowing the boys, but that didn't really matter. Their exams were over, she was finally free, and she got to see her friends without stressing about studies after a long time, presence of one unknown person was the last thing she was concerned about.

Kai screamed her name as he ran towards her and met her half way with a hug. That day at Baekhyun's place, Hana had found Kai to be a comfortable presence to be around. He had stopped asking penetrative questions, for which she was thankful. Moreover, their short encounter reminded her of a specific someone. Kai was even more random than Baekhyun; his personality reminded her of the person she had spent more than half of her life with. Hugging was something she still wasn't used to with everyone but it was the last day of exams, and the euphoria was enough for her to ignore any awkwardness. Instead of putting her down on the spot he held her in the air until they were next to the rest of them. High fives and hellos were exchanged for a while before Kyungsoo deemed it necessary to introduce the unknown face to Hana.

"This is Jongdae. We have the same History class and we're also in the same club."

Hana greeted him with a bow which he mirrored before holding out a hand.

"Hi! I'm Kim Jongdae. Nice to meet you." He smiled and Hana took his outstretched hand for a shake. They conversed, and Hana could already tell she liked Jongdae, he seemed nice. Hana felt like something was missing. Maybe it was just a random feeling, or maybe Hana was just too used to having a certain fair skinned brunette standing on her left. Her eyes searched the crowd around her. This was the first time Hana ever came to the school's front door while the students were out. She couldn't even ask where Lay was; they were too engrossed in their 'what did you get for that question' conversation to notice her confusion. So she looked around herself, sifting the crowd as she looked around, their conversation became faint to her ears.

"But what's with that girl and Lay? What's taking him to long."

Until she heard that. and suddenly all her attention was focused back to the group.

"You mean Yuri? I don't know man. She suddenly popped out of nowhere saying she wanted to have a word or something." Kyungsoo supplied and Jongdae narrowed his eyes.

"I don't like her."

Although Baekhyun wasn't told about the episode between Yuri and Hana, he pieced together that they were probably ex friends. Hana's was suddenly uncomfortable. Why did she want to talk to him? Hana knew they weren't friends, then what's with the sudden interest? Baekhyun didn't miss the change in her expression, and while Kai asked Jongdae for his reasons to dislike the girl their friend was with, Baekhyun draped a comforting across her shoulders and flashed a reassuring smile.

"I know her. We've been in the same Science classes since the past three years. She used to be all nice and stuff but then she started hanging out with Rania and her group and suddenly she became...not so nice anymore. She had a friend I remember, but I never really paid much attention so I don't really know who she was. Meh. All I know is that I don't like her."

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