Uh.. Oh...

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They say 'Time flies when you're having fun', a fact, but for the most, not entirely true. The time, calculated and measured, goes by at the same pace, each hour spending 60 minutes and each minute containing 60 seconds, each day made up of 24 hours. The time, no matter how much you try to prove it otherwise, does not increase its pace under any circumstance. It is the activity, the state of mind and various other environmental and mental factors that all contribute to the effect of the hours going by faster. However, thinking logically with the assistance of fancy lab tools, the universally accepted idea can be nullified yet still, a majority says otherwise. So basically it's all about experience. The art of living the moment to know it's worth and the inability to cease time in order to savor the last few moments of bliss is what brings us face to face with the painful reality that yes, time does fly when you're having fun.

So to say that Hana's days practically skyrocketed would be considered logically impossible but in her point of view it was nothing but the truth. The slow, agonizing hours had transitioned into seconds of merriment she deprived herself of. Another person well aware of this fact was her guardian who had spent equal amount of time worrying over her niece who was the victim of her own misery. Junmi couldn't even express how happy she was watching her niece get her life back on track and to say that she was forever indebted to the three boys would be probably be the truest expression of her gratitude.

Being the principal special treatment to specific students would not only be unfair and scandalous but also unprofessional, and Kim Junmi was most definitely not unprofessional. But outside school premises she was still a regular aunt, an excessively grateful one. And so to express her oozing gratitude, Junmi had been packing food for Hana to take along with her whenever their sessions took place on weekends or anywhere outside school property.

Today, was supposed to be another one of those days. Sadly it wasn't. Why? Exam season, that's why. The time table had been announced four days ago and immediately all meetings had been canceled for every club.

Four days.

96 hours.

5760 minutes.

The slowest and the most frustrating hours Hana had spent in while now. She had experienced worse. Definitely. But the sudden silence that surrounded her during the hours while she was used to being around a trio of familiar voices was dissatisfying and not to mention made it hard to concentrate. The classes had picked up pace after the white paper had been stuck into place on the notice board and after this week, they would be given one week off to prepare for their exams which would last a week.

The hectic classes and clashing schedules made it impossible to meet or even see a glimpse of each other. The boys, sharing some classes, had no time to converse between periods therefore being able to catch a sight of Hana who was all the way in the other building was far-fetched.

Still, time, incapable of stopping, moved on and four days turned into a week which meant any possibility of them seeing each other, if there was one before, was now gone to square one. Technology, however, played its valuable part in keeping them in touch and although their conversations mostly consisted of 'Good luck with preparation!', 'Fighting!' or 'Good night guys!', they were there, and enough to provide Hana with a sense of comfort.

The immense gratitude she felt towards science for creating smart phones was overshadowed with the hate she felt towards neurology. The entire concept of synapse and the importance of reaching the threshold in order to fire an action potential had her wondering why she was studying this in the first place. But it was in the curriculum and no matter how hard she pulled at her roots she couldn't change that. Lay too, was dreading the principal or inertia while Kyungsoo was wrecking his brain on electrolysis.

Baekhyun on the other hand was convinced that a week of schooling was enough torture and had conceived the idea of having a party on the last day of school as the last exam would mark the start of spring break.

Hana doesn't know what made her agree to his reckless idea as she was well aware that she still had to imprint the concept of DNA replication and the only enzyme she remembered so far was Ligase, reasons unknown. Maybe it was Baekyun's fiery passion as he shed light upon the fact that one day off would only help them unclog their brains or maybe it was just that she really wanted to see them again. to see a certain dimple creating unicorn again. Therefore the preparation to fill in the 'papers sent from hell' , as Baekhyun says it, was put to a halt by her. Lay's response was unnaturally quick and starkly different from his previous 'ain't nobody got time for that' replies while Kyungsoo just sighed, literally wrote 'sigh', and agreed.

It was to be hosted at Baekhyun's house and they were told to come whenever they wanted but only after 4pm.

'Kyungsoo: whenever we want but only after 4pm? Da heck? Just say after 4 pm damn it!

Baekhyun: I don't find anything wrong with tht sentence u.u I think ur overdosed on calcium ions. Better go sleep

Lay: so in short tomorrow after 4 right?

Hana: can I come around....5? I have to help my aunt with something.

Baekhyun: yea sure no problem :D like I said anytime after 4 :D

Lay: alright then im off. Must. Get. Sleep. ;~;

Kyungsoo: same. Later guys. See you tomorrow :F

Baekhyun: *cough*typo*cough*
see ya guys!!

Lay: night~
Hana: goodnight ^^'

The last message did not mean the end of their conversation though.

'Lay: I get to see you tomorrow after so long! Yaayy!!!

Hana: hahaha yea. So much stress...

Lay: relax ur a genius from what ive seen u'll do fine :D

More messages were exchanged until finally they fell asleep, Lay before Hana who was now thinking of her regular trip to the hospital and hopefully, her last one.


"Well she's improving a lot. And she's smiling and laughing which is obviously a great sign. Her new psychiatrist must be really good."

"Yes she is. Hana is getting so much better."

"Indeed she is. And since she's taking in proper nutrition and is starting to take care of herself, I don't think further appointments would be necessary, although I do recommend the general twice a year check-ups."

"Of course Dr. Thank you so much."

Junmi left the doctor's office with Hana's file and a smile. Relief washed over her and the happiness that she felt right now pushed away the other vile thoughts that lingered. Right now, Hana's recent reports had given her a new boos of energy. Her previous reports, the ones that stated her as malnourished and vulnerable were long gone. Junmi walked down the bright white hospital corridor, the sound of her footsteps echoing in the corridor as she walks over the freshly swept linoleum. She finds Hana in the waiting area, but the smile on her face slightly falters as she finds her standing stiff with a slight glint of panic in her eyes as she looks up at the figure in front of her.

Baekhyun blinks at Hana and can clearly see the fear in her eyes. He's confused, however grows even more confused as he sees past the girl and towards his Principal. His eyes travel towards the file in her hands and once he reads Hana's name on it, his eyes widen before he takes another look and realizes that the file is too thick for his liking.

"What's going on?"


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