Game On

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The moment he took his phone off airplane mode and activated the mobile data, the phone kept buzzing continuously. The simple task of texting his parents that he had arrived safely had become exceedingly difficult because of his phone vibrating with the seconds. After (finally) sending the message to his parents and Kris, Lay opened the ever so active group. It was a short way from the airport to the hotel and Lay spent the time smiling at his screen.

They had ganged up on Hana and he could imagine the expression she'd be having; a subtle frown and furrowed brows. He liked how things were normal again, or at least that's what he told himself. Everything was the same, except one thing. And that one thing mattered a lot. Seeing an opportunity, Lay decided to give it a shot and try to be as regular as he could be.

He didn't miss how Hana stopped texting but he didn't let that get to him. Her 'laterr' twitched a smile and he locked his phone. Grabbing his luggage and heading toward the hotel, he collected his keys. Coach said they'd have different roommates this time, he wondered who he'd get roomed with again. If Lay had to be honest, he liked Jimin's company. The chirpy junior added a bit color to his dull days. Right now, when Lay knew he'd need every mood lift he could get, he wished to be roomed with Jimin again; maybe he'd have been able to make him feel better.

Lay was the first to enter the room, the interior was exactly the same. He threw his bags on the bed and plopped down next to it.He could hear the chatter outside, he missed his friends. He had been in the team since the starting of highschool, but he was still not as close to them as one could be. Esepcially since he became the Vice of their team. Sinc then, he only had a professional relationship with them. Jimin was the only one who approached him restlessly with the intent of befriending him. Lay wasn't a stuck up, it wasn't like he didn't want to be closer to his team, it was just that he was rather reserved when it came to people he didn't know. He hardly ever approached anyone on his own; anyone except Hana. She was the only one he had made an effort to know. Thinking about it now, he wondered if he regretted doing that. Maybe if he hadn't met Hana, he wouldn't be mentally and emotionally distraught. Lay snorted, he didn't regret it at all. He wondered if he was a bit twisted in his head to think that way.

Someone – Lay assumed it was his roommate – barged into the room and Lay was shocked yet oddly relieved to see who it was.

"I'm SO going to treat you for this!" Jimin exclaimed and Lay shook his head.

"You do know we don't get to pick our roomies, right?"

Jimin nodded vehemently, "I know."

"Then why are you going to treat me?"

"Just because!"

Lay shook his head again, this time with a smile and started unpacking, Jimin did too. Lay was glad it was Jimin he was roomed with again rather than someone else. He needed Jimin's enthusiasm and positive energy to help him drown out his own thoughts. He stacked his clothes on his side of the wardrobe as he alf listened to Jimin. The boy didn't seem to catch up on the senior's glood yet. Lay figured it would take a while, Jimin was always the one doing most of the talking anyway. Lay was confused about where he was going to hide his undies – Jimin 'accidentally' wore his once – when a certain incident in Jimins' many others caught his attention.

"- I wanted to ask but then my mom couldn't stop taking photos-"

"Wait," Lay held up a hand, "You saw who at the airport?"

Jimin blinked and replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Hana-sshi. I saw her at the airport hiding behind a pillar."

Jimin obviously did not take notice of Lay's expression or else he would've asked if his roommate was all right. Instead, he continued, "I was wondering why she wasn't there with your friends. I thought I should ask you but then I was like 'nah, maybe she's planning on surprising'. But when we all started boarding and she didn't show up I was like 'whoa' but I thought 'meh, they probably met already' because she looked you know, pretty emotional. I was kinda hoping I'd be with you in the plane but oh well. The food though-"

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