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"Hey Hana what cha- whoa!" Sehun accidentally banged his back on Hana's bedroom door in an exaggerated attempt to avoid Hana's flying piece of clothing. He looked towards his left while shutting the door and picked up the potential unintentional weapon, Hana's black shorts. He observed the clothing and for no apparent reason put it in front of his waist to see how it would look on him. Hana, who had originally pulled out from her cupboard to bow an apology, stared at her cousin with a weird gaze. Sehun looked back up and saw his cousin potentially judging him and gave an adorably dumb smile before tossing them on her bed. Although belatedly, Hana bowed to her cousin and Sehun picked a random shirt from the floor and threw it on her head, her view now completely due to the obstruction from the fabric.

"I thought I told you to stop apologizing for everything dummy. Especially to me." Sehun reminded and Hana pulled her shirt away with a huff. She rolled her eyes at her cousin and continued rummaging through her cupboard. Sehun walked towards her bed, stepping over the clothes that were scattered on the floor. Sehun wondered what had his usually neat cousin carelessly tossing her stuff everywhere. He casually lied on her bed, his legs hanging and touching the floor as he propped himself up on his elbows and watched his cousin go crazy. He tilted his head as he saw her struggle. Hana was about to have a breakdown. After agreeing to Lay's plan last night she didn't bother on what she would wear, anything she wore usually would be fine. It was a group gathering after all. But later today, when she asked Lay when Baekhyun and the others would get there, he simply said it would be just the two of them since the others were 'busy'.

Less than twenty minutes ago, she realized she'd be going to the arcade alone with Lay. Suddenly Hana felt like she had nothing to wear. She groaned the second she opened her closet. Everything was black, white or grey. And the colors that she would've normally worn without hesitation before suddenly looked too bland and boring to her. She didn't have many clothes to begin with, but the ones she did have, she didn't feel like wearing them.

Sehun tilted his head as he saw his cousin helplessly staring at the almost empty closet. They heard a buzz and he saw Hana dash towards it. He saw her smile at her phone before she put it back down and bit her lip as she stared at her scattered clothing. Her room looked like it belonged to Cruella Devil, the floors were covered with black and white with occasional grey, and there were a few shoes upside down on her bed, those too were black.

Hana sat at the edge of her bed next to Sehun with deflated shoulders. Nothing, she had nothing to wear. Well technically she DID. She just didn't like what she had. When did she even buy so much black anyways? She hardly ever went shopping, and the few times she did, the only colors she bought were black, white and grey? Why did she even get only these colors in the first place? She groaned and collapsed on her bed. Sehun chuckled as he lied down next to her and stared at her face. Something about the way Sehun stares at her always annoys the heck out of Hana. She glared back at him after he stared at her for a minute and he gave her that toothy grin of his and Hana instantly smiled. Her cousins sure had a certain effect on her. Well, that's childhood bonding for you. If you've had someone with you since diaper years, of course they'd know about all of your buttons.

"So...." Sehun started as he momentarily looked away. He shortly looked back and found Hana staring towards the ceiling.

"What's got my clean freak stressed enough to trash her room with....." he craned his neck a little and kicked the closest piece her found, "clothes." Sehun relaxed his neck and Hana huffed before covering her face with her hands. Why was she so stressed anyways? It was just an outing. A usual outing. Nothing new. She could wear whatever her closet had to offer, then why did have such a hard time deciding? It was a regular outing, just her and that...... dimple person. This was probably the first time they'd be alone out. Well, second actually. But considering that the trip to the convenience store was not exactly planned, this would be their first official 'alone' outing. She wanted it to be a little....different? and she had no idea why. Just the mere thought of being alone with that guy had her head going crazy. Hana may be introverted and anti social, but she was still a girl. There was a time when even she was 'normal' and she knew how crushes worked. It did take her a while, but it hit her in the face pretty hard. It hadn't even been long. She realized it on the day they went to Baekhyun's house. Lay had been ignoring her and it bugged her to no ends. She was irritated that day but not because Baekhyun was now in on her secret but because a certain someone paid no heed to her for no apparent reason. That day even after they were back to normal and back home, she couldn't concentrate. She considered the possibility of her having a crush on him but didn't want to accept it. Finally, during the early hours of day when the sun was sneaking out into the sky was when she accepted the fact that yes, she did have a crush on him. But just a crush, a minor crush. She figured this was probably another sign that showed her improvement. But her crush seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and recently whenever they made contact she would internally erupt with butterflies. Of course she'd have a crush on him, Lay was a naturally likeable guy. But she tried to limit her 'feels', because although the secretly unicorn loving boy was all a girl would want in a guy, Hana was the exact opposite. She hadn't even said a word to him and they had known each other for six months already.

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