Dimples and Smiles

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It's 3 a.m. yet Hana wasn't asleep. Not because of her fear of the nightmare, but because she was too busy trying to keep track of the conversation that was occurring on her phone screen. It had been two weeks since the boys had come over to her house and within those two weeks, they had made a lot of progress, not only on their song but also on their relationship. In the span of 14 days, Hana had refused four of their offers, in hopes that maybe they would get fed up of her behavior like everyone else. However, they always came back. The first time she refused after their little 'camp out' outside her bedroom door, they had done the same what they had done before, gaining access to the house, compliments of Junmi, and settling outside her door. The second time, Hana had chained the door, but they just jumped in through her window with the explanation of, "You're aunt knows we were coming anyways." The other two times was her aunt luring her out.

So by now Hana had learned that pushing them away would only result in them coming back with greater persistence. Therefore, when the plan of meeting up at the soccer field the next day after school was suggested, Hana didn't say no.

Lay: Done! Practice is over at 5 so I'll see you guys there at 5:30?

Baekhyun: Hell yea
Kyungsoo: Alright

Hana: Sure

Baekhyun: Guys! Important! What will we wear? ._. we should wear the same colour so we can recognize each other!

Kyungsoo: You dumb bro? we'll be in our uniforms

Baekhyun: Yes! But we should wear something extra with it! Like a red cap!

Kyungsoo: No

The next few dozen of messages were purely Kyungsoo and Baekhyun. Lay had tried interfering; informing them that they were getting off topic but it was evident that his messages were going unread by all but Hana. She was concentrating on the rapidly occurring messages when a new one popped up, from a person outside the chat group.

Lay: These guys are hopeless -.-

Hana: it's alright

Lay: U alright with the meet up right? Or u knw we'll just come and get u anyways :P

Hana: Yes, that I'am aware of

Lay: we can just talk here u knw....those guys won't stop for a while :P


Hana woke up by the beeping of her alarm, groaning at the thought of another day of school. Although her classes were private, they were still classes, and she was still a teenager. Buttoning her blazer, her phone suddenly blinked.

Lay: See you! Remember! Soccer field at 5:30!

Hana's grumpy mood brightened a little at the thought. She replied with an 'Of course' before tossing the device into her bag and going downstairs into the kitchen.

"You seem to be in a good mood lately." Her aunt said as she served Hana the pancakes she had made. Hana gave her a blank look, not really sure what her aunt was saying and in the end shrugged it off. Hana was indeed in a good mood. She was relieved as today was one of the days when she hadn't had that nightmare, the awful flashback of her memories. Another thought that made her look forward to her day was the meeting. It had been almost a month she had been with them but the aura they emitted was contagious. She felt better in their presence and after two years of social exile, she was content to have them.

Hana sighed as she looked at the time. It was 3'o clock; her teacher had cancelled her last class, saying it was an emergency. Therefore, she had two and a half hours to kill. Generally, the classes were over but the last hour was always spent in club activities and meetings. Hana walked towards the entrance of the building. It had been a long time since she walked through those halls. Her personal classes were held in the other building. The sister building contained mostly of store rooms. Some of the classes had music equipment while the rest had random files and chairs.

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