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Hana pushed Sehun towards the kitchen and the latter only stepped back to his original place. It was the weekend, which meant Luhan was home and the said boy was currently busy tapping his foot in front of the microwave. The sound of popcorns popping overlapped the whispered disagreement between Sehun and Hana who were standing next to the kitchen door.

"You're the one with the boyfriend. You tell him!"

"But you said you'd help!"

"I said I'd help not tell him for you."

"Why are you guys crouching?" Hana and Sehun snapped towards Luhan who was standing beside them with a large bowl of popcorn. His mouth chewed a piece as he stared questioningly at them. They straightened immediately and put on smiles as they shrugged.


"Whatever it was its not important. Its Manchester United versus Chelsea today and I wanna watch my team kick butt in peace." Luhan walked past a dumbfounded Sehun and Hana watched him jump onto the sofa and switch the channels. Hana turned and helplessly looked towards Sehun and he shrugged. The match had already started and Luhan was shouting at the top of his lungs in support of his team who couldn't even hear him. Hana sat on his left and Sehun on his right and she constantly sent glances towards her cousin at the other end of Luhan. Suddenly Sehun's phone buzzed.

'Hana: this is stupid. Why cant we just tell him?'

Sehun looked up from his screen with an annoyed expression and shook his head.

'Sehun: exactly. Why cant you just tell him? He wont kill you or anything then what's the problem?

Hana: know how he is....and you know how I am L

Sehun: I knw but cmon! It's Luhan!

Hana: then why don't you tell him?

Sehun: bcz its not my thing to tell. Now woman up. Besides MANU's leading he's in a good mood. He probably wont even properly hear so just tell him nw.'

Hana peered towards her cousin and saw him giving her a nod. She stared back at the tv screen and took deep breathes. The team was ahead with 1-0 and Luhan WAS smiling.

"Luhan.....I have to tell you something...."

"Not now bunny, this is a critical point."

The last thing she saw before she closed her eyes was players struggling with the ball and Luhan sitting at the edge of his seat. The crowd was going wild and so was Hana's heart as she mustered the courage.

"I have a boyfriend."

"AND CHELSEA SCORES!" the commentator on the tv roared and the crowd went wild with cheers. Hana still had her eyes shut and other than the tv, there were no other sounds in the room. Curious about the silence and also to ensure if Luhan had heard her she slowly opened her eyes. Sehun's mouth was shaped like an 'o' as he stared back and forth between the screen and his brother. Luhan's eyes were glued to the tv in disbelief but Hana wasn't sure if it was because he heard what he said or just the shock from the unexpected goal. A few seconds passed and Hana was almost sure that Luhan hadn't heard.

"You have a boyfriend?"

Or maybe he had. He turned towards her with a straight face that he rarely pulled and Hana reluctantly nodded.

"Who" he asked, more like demanded, and Sehun almost answered for her before Luhan cut in.

"Why am I even asking, it's Lay isn't it?" Hana gulped and nodded, she looked everywhere but towards her cousin. Luhan mumbled something that sounded like "Damned dimples" and sighed.

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