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"Is this it?" Sehun asked glancing up to the height of the building. It wasn't exactly tall, but higher than most that were in the premises. Luhan fixed the collar of his shirt as he stood beside his brother and mimicked his action. Hana took her place behind them and grabbed their wrists, dragging them along. She ignored the 'Yo' and 'Hey!' they produced in protest and pulled them into the building. The automatic doors opened and protected them from the burning heat and a sudden blast of artificially cooled air hit their faces. The inside was just like any normal building. A white marble floor along with expensive looking paintings hung on dark walls. People walked around in corporate attires while some had dressed a little less formally. Currently Sehun, Luhan and Hana were the only ones who seemed misfit even within the not so formally dressed. Sehun wore destroyed jeans with a half sleeved dark blue graphic tee. Luhan wasn't dressed as casually as his brother, with a white button up shirt with top two buttons undone, and light blue jeans, he could almost fit in with the rest of the crowd in the building. He had his sleeves rolled up because of the heat and his car keys were clasped between his fingers. Hana was as casual as Sehun, a white tank top with a black quarter sleeved cardigan and grey shorts, paired with black converse. She had been around this building too many times now, and sightseeing was not on her list, therefore she pulled her cousins along into the elevator because without her push they refused to move.

Hana was told that Luhan and Sehun knew about her condition, her entire medical history. They knew about her depression, her attempts to overdose, attempt to cut, malnutrition, and even the constant traumas she suffered due to her nightmares. However, they were glad to know that she was recovering. According to the reports Junmi had shown them, her depression wasn't as bad as before, she was finally taking medications on time, she hadn't attempted anything that would put her life at risk, and her nightmares were a lot less frequent now. Despite her malnutrition still existing, she had started eating properly once again, and if her current condition was her improved state, Luhan didn't even want to imagine how she would've looked when things were the worst.

"How long have you been coming here?" Luhan asked as they waited for the elevator to reach their floor. It was Monday, which meant Hana had her session with the psychologist, and the brothers decided to tag along. Sehun was curious what sort of therapy she received and Luhan wanted to discuss with her doctor if they could help with her condition in any way. Hana held up three fingers.

"Three weeks?" Sehun guessed and Hana shook her head.

"Months. Three months." Luhan stated and Hana snapped before pointing at him with a smile. Luhan gave a toothy grin of accomplishment and the door dinged. They were on their floor. Hana walked out of the elevator into the overly familiar room and checked her watch. Her cousins followed behind and stood a step behind her as they looked around. Hana knocked on the mahogany door and waited. Sehun rocked on his heels and Luhan glared at him but the younger didn't even bother to look so Luhan just ended up huffing and looking away.

The door opened, and to Sehun's surprise, rather than being greeted by a lady in her late thirties with a sweet smile, they saw a tall boy with disheveled brown hair, but with an equally sweet smile as he let Hana in.

Sehun rose an eyebrow, "What the.....this doesn't look like the doctor mom described!", the younger whisper-shouted at his brother as he pulled his sleeve for attention. Luhan just blankly nodded and said "I know" before shouting a greeting.

"Yo man! What's up!" Luhan gave him a broshake and followed Hana inside leaving behind a very confused Sehun. He felt severely left out and he did not like it,

"Oh you're Sehun right? Luhan's younger brother? Come on in!" Sehun allowed himself to be dragged in by the new face. He stared at him warily as he stood beside his cousin. Hana was confused over Luhan's familiarity with him, she was certain Junmi hadn't mentioned the boy before since Junmi didn't know about him either, the look on Sehun's face screamed 'WhoTheFridgeIsThisGuy?!', so Hana knew he didn't know him either, so how did Luhan? She pointed towards her cousin before she took her finger to the boy in front of them and gave them a questioning look. Luhan let out an 'oh' after he realized that nobody knew of their connection and answered the question she wanted to ask.

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