Trip to The Convenience Store

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They say that there are two states in which one should never make decisions. The first would be when the person is extremely happy. As it is that momentary euphoria that makes everything seem light and to put it simply, not a drag, and people perform certain actions just for the heck of it and then suffer the consequences later. A perfect example of this would be the time when Kris had agreed to let his chubby buddy Minseok ride with him around town for a month. Reason being, that Minseok had managed to get his hands on a limited edition Power Rangers mobile for Kris's birthday. The only problem was that they were fifteen, and Kris owned a bicycle, and their town was huge. Kris not only ended up regretting his decision, but he also lost the feeling in his legs.

The second state is when you're extremely angry. It is anger that clouds all sense of judgment, and no matter what it is, and no matter how much sense your actions make at that time, you eventually end up regretting them, probably for the rest of your life. Hana was already a victim of such aggressive judgment thanks to Yuri, and she knew better than anyone else that no matter how hard it is, one must always be in control of what they say, as even a single could make or break not only your own life, but the other's as well.

However, Lay did not know, whether the decision he made was while he was angry or happy. Perhaps, utterly stupid. The sun was shining bright in their faces and the cool breeze canceled any sensation of heat the infrared rays carried. The streets weren't busy but they weren't deserted either. It was noisy, yet calm at the same time. Kind of like a paradox. All in all, it was a good day with great weather and amazing opportunities. The only problem was that a certain someone wearing a striped light blue button up shirt and dark jeans had his head hung low, avoiding all sorts of contact with a specific female with black skinnies and grey top.

So for Lay the saying had forever been changed. A person must never make decisions in the state of anger, happiness, and stupidity.

Hana felt that running around town singing 'What does the Fox Say' would be less embarrassing and awkward than having to walk beside the brunette who had been ignoring her. She thought that may be if they were alone, she'd be able to find the root of his problem or at least get him to talk. How she planned to get him to speak without talking herself was a task she didn't really know how to execute. So the two walked side by side, stiffer than Kyungsoo's week old brownies.

The passed various shops, bakeries, stores, and Hana wondered with each passing window how it would feel to be able to voice her opinions once again, to speak for herself, to ask what the other's problem was, and to even justify herself when necessary. All the things she desperately wished to do right now but couldn't, she didn't think she was ready yet. Soon though....

Albeit Lay's constant involuntary ignorance, he still kept an eye on Hana, making sure she was by his side, because even if he wasn't talking to her or making her laugh, or if she wasn't nudging him or poking his stomach, the idea that she's there with him was enough to make him feel a little better. The mini heart attack he received when his eyes couldn't grab the sight of the ends of her loose shirt made him abruptly turn around and almost bump into a mister. Avoiding that, he didn't have to search hard. There Hana stood, approximately fifteen feet away from him, marveling at the detail on one of pastry cakes on display.

Hana leaned away from the window that displayed the chocolaty goodness of the double layered pastry cake. It had been a while since she had consumed anything chocolate and she smiled as she remembered her father comparing her relationship with chocolate to the relationship sunflower has with the sun. Lay stood behind her and Hana could see his reflection. He was looking at the same pastry she was internally drooling over. She spun around to face him, but the impact made her hair whip across his face and Hana felt like she had descended two steps of the stair of intelligence. He was smiling though. Not just a close lipped forced smile he had been giving all day, but a genuine smile, the one that exposed his teeth and showcased his dimples that she was extremely fond of. Their close proximity went unnoticed by Hana, she was just glad that the guy had finally cracked a genuine smile after hours. Lay noticed, but pretended not to. They stood there smiling at each other, looking like retards to the outside world but that didn't matter.

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