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Well, that was unexpected.

The surprise of seeing the aloof beings on her doorstep was evident by her expression since her mouth practically hung open and her eyes were wide as saucers. So many questions ran through her mind at the same times and she felt unable to answer any of them. However the action that followed after she saw Baekhyun waving at her was completely out of her control as the effects of the shock were still fresh in her system. The boys flinched as the door slammed on their faces and exchanged blank looks.

"I told this was a bad idea." Kyungsoo grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You think we maybe freaked her out a bit?" Baekhyun asked in an innocent voice and Kyungsoo punched the latter in the stomach.

"Of course we freaked her out! Didn't you see her face?!"

"Guys, that is the first expression I've ever seen on her other than that stoic one." Lay stated thoughtfully. He had hardly spent any time with the girl but the hours that they spent together the past four days and the closure Principal Kim had given them this morning was enough to give him an impression that Hana was not a girl of many expressions.

"Hey you know what, guitar boy's right. Did you see her face? I mean this is an accomplishment isn't it?" Baekhyun said satisfied with himself. Kyungsoo on the other hand just gawked at him.

"You call scaring the heck out of a girl an accomplishment? No wonder you're single." Baekhyun glared at Kyungsoo while the latter smirked.

"The last time I checked it was you who didn't have a date to prom during middle school." Baekhyun's statement made Kyungsoo narrow his eyes dangerously and Lay deemed it important to step in before another battle of the wits ensued among the two.

He stood in the middle, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun each at his sides grumbling to themselves and knocked on the door. For the door to open immediately was the last thing he expected and for it to close back just as quickly was definitely not on his list of upcoming occurrences as well. The three said nothing but blinked at the closed door before a huff was heard and Kyungsoo pulled out his cell phone while mumbling something about being surrounded by lunatics. Their phones buzzed simultaneously and except Kyungsoo, the other two pulled out their handsets.

'Kyungsoo: we're sorry we came out of the blue but we really need you to open the door.'

"She's not replying" said a dejected Kyungsoo after a while of waiting. Lay released a sigh but brightened immediately after he saw the little blink on his screen.

'Hana: sorry for slamming the door on your faces but how do you know where I live?'

Exclamations of victory were exchanged between the trio and Baekhyun even went as far as breaking into chorus of some song he had developed an addiction to before Kyungsoo punched him to a halt.

'Lay: We met with your aunt at school and asked her for permission to take you out :D'

" Should we tell her what Principal Kim told us?" Baekhyun asked concerned whereas Lay shook his head.

"It's better if we keep it to ourselves 'cuz judging from what Principal Kim told us...... we should do this in secret."

"Besides, we came here to get her out of the house. I'm actually pretty confused as to why Principal Kim told us all that." Kyungsoo thought out loud.

Hana stood with her back to the door, one hand on the heart while the other held her phone as she stared incredulously at the messages. They go to school on weekends? The thought bugged her a bit but she wasn't sure if asking them would be appropriate. She had met them merely 5 days before and had no right to inquire for their whereabouts but for them to use their aunt as an explanation was something Hana didn't expect.

'Hana: don't want to pry but why would you go to school?

Isn't it a weekend?'

The first among the boys to notice the disturbance in their hand was Kyungsoo who immediately directed his attention towards his phone. Kyungsoo broke into a small smile and as he turned towards his friends, he saw they had the same expression. Baekhyun was grinning whereas Lay's smile was wide enough to show a dimple ghosting over his cheek.

'Baekhyun: we'll tell if u let us in :D'

On the other side of the door Hana still hadn't moved from her position since she last slammed the door on their faces. Hana maybe quiet but she was not dumb, she knew letting in a trio of guys into her house when there was no one else home was an extremely foolish act and could lead to several different consequences. However, no matter how much she warned herself of all the possibilities, she couldn't bring herself to think that the boys that argue over mythical creatures can harm anything other than a fly, and even that sometimes she doubted.

Still, she had the sense to confirm their alibi with her aunt and once she received the message of confirmation, she, although reluctantly, stepped away from the door and turned to twist open the knob, revealing the forever bickering party.

They didn't seem to have noticed the open door or the girl standing next to it because they were still going on about whatever it is they were arguing about. The sight was actually pretty interesting. Lay stood in the middle, going 'la la la' with his eyes closed and fingers blocking the sounds of the two that stood at his sides. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun, rather than going around their obstacle preferred being on to their spots and yelling.

Lay was the first to notice the faint coughing and when opened his eyes, palmed both of his friend's mouths to shut them up. Lay smiled sheepishly and Kyungsoo removed the latter's hand form his mouth whereas Baekhyun took a different approach and swiped his tongue across the surface of Lay's palm, resulting Lay to quickly retreat his hand and frown in disgust. As Baekhyun approached Hana, Lay used the opportunity to rub his unfortunate hand on his friend's back.

"Hana! Sorry for scaring you." He said as he walked further inside. Lay and Kyungsoo, not knowing what to say at their friend's behavior just walked ahead, passing greetings to their host along the way. They stood next to the couch where Hana motioned them to sit before she disappeared into the kitchen.

They fiddled with their devices as they waited. Hana wasn't sure what they'd like, would they like coffee? Or did they prefer tea? If coffee then should she make an Americano or a cappuccino or what? What if they want juice?, so many questions and no answer. That is before she heard a shout form outside.

"Hey Han, do you have coffee?" she heard Baekhyun say from the TV room. Coffee it is, she thought as she took out four mugs. Outside, the boys were examining their surroundings. There was a fire place with photo frames on top. There was a TV a few feet ahead of the couch they were sitting on with the remote in the middle of the medium sized wooden coffee table that stood between the couch at the electronic device. Lay's eyes searched for a piano or even some stray music sheets, anything that would give him a reason to strike up a conversation with her about the song he had heard her play that day. He couldn't find anything that would relate to music, nothing at all. Where does she practice if there's no piano here?, he thought as he craned his neck and looked around more. The house wasn't that big, there was a kitchen connected to the TV room, there was a dining table on their far left with a cupboard filled with variety of dinnerware. There was a bathroom next to which were the stairs that led to the next floor where there were two bathrooms and two vacant rooms other than the one occupied by Hana and Junmi.

All in all, the house was not that big and the idea of there not being a single trace of a piano irked him. Hana returned with a tray, three mugs of coffee and one mug of plain black. She placed the tray on the coffee table, figuring the boys can help themselves, grabbed her cup and sat down on the leather arm chair next to the couch. Kyungsoo reached over, handing the other two their mugs and then reaching for his own. Baekhyun took a sip and contently sighed then nudged Lay, making the steaming liquid dance dangerously inside the cup.

"This is better than Minseok Hyung's isn't it?" he said to Lay who was too busy glaring at him, although he had to agree to his friend's statement. They heard someone cough and knowing who it was, turned their attention the still confused and expectant Hana. Kyungsoo was the first to break the silence. Placing his mug on the table he folded his hands as he rested his arms on his knees and looked Hana directly in the eyes.

"We're here to take you out."

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