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Things were going great. Luhan approved, Sehun was satisfied, not to mention Junmi almost flipped tables when she heard about the news. The only downside on Hana's part was that the HunHan brothers started getting the "when will you two get a girl" lectures. They were obedient sons so they said nothing but Hana received glares from them during each of Junmi's outbursts.

Luckily (and unluckily for Kai) the couple never showed PDA during their gatherings. It was like everything was normal. Hana and Lay remained as they were, sitting next to each other, talking as usual. It had been a month since they started dating and they both couldn't be happier. Baekhyun and Kai asked if they 'did something special' on their 'month-aversary' and they sheepishly admitted that they didn't. Hana confessed that annual anniversaries were the only things that made sense to her and Lay blatantly confessed that he sucked with dates. That day Kai chewed his food in frustration, Sehun and Kyungsoo had to calm him down and Chanyeol took the liberty to hide the table knife. Kai worried about their dating life more than they did, poor guy, he knew they'd be one of those high school cutie couples who take things slow but this was just pathetic. If only he would pay attention, then he'd be able to see the secret glances, the fact that they held hands under the table, discreet winks, he missed them all. It was another one of those regular days when Lay gratefully announced that he had successfully finished the entire song, and that if they wanted to hear it they'd have to come over to his house.

"It's either my house or nowhere."

"Heh. That's not possible." Kyungsoo challenged, "We'll have to rehearse, you can't keep it hidden forever."

"You have a problem with coming over?"

"Of course not."

"Then cork it. Baekhyun and Chanyeol don't be late again please." The said culprits assured they'd be punctual for once and Kai would naturally come with his cousin. Jongdae was grounded for accidentally burning the switch board. He was convinced he would be able to fix the problem with his 'powers' but he only ended up causing a 10 hour black out. Lay texted and informed him and though he texted back saying he'd love to but can't, Baekhyun confidently took the responsibility of getting him there.

"So it's done! I expect you guys there at 6. My mom's not gonna be home so we can be as loud as we want. I have to go for practice right now so I'll see you guys later!"

Hana was not comfortable with that at all. In 5 hours she was expected to reveal to her psychiatrist that she was dating his brother. Hana wasn't sure if she was ready for this. Sehun agreed but later registered what happened and his bulged eyes bore holes in his cousin's head. Lay high fived the rest but Sehun and Hana were too busy conversing with looks. Hana suddenly felt someone peck her cheek and immediately looked to find Lay standing dangerously close to her face with a smile.

"See you later." He whispered and ran out of the café. Hana was used to kisses on cheeks but not in public. Sehun was a little dazed and honestly confused on how to react. The others didn't make much out of it except Kai who looked like he was squealing internally. All those thoughts were pushed aside when Sehun grabbed her arm for attention and took her to the side to ask what she was going to do. She said she wasn't ready to face them yet so she called Lay to tell him she wouldn't be able to make it.

"But why not?" Hana could already imagine his disappointed expression and sighed.

"I...don't know..." Lying wasn't something she did so she gave him an honest answer. It's not like Kris would throw a tantrum and kick her out of the house. They were decent, respectable people and Hana knew that. But there was something that made her hesitant to meet him as Lay's girlfriend.

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