Almost There

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"3. 2. 1! SMILE!"

Hana wanted to rub the flash off her eyes but she couldn't. Stupid mascara. She had to spend the next minute trying to see cearly while not tripping. Their graduation ceremony had just ended, they were all holding their certificates and Luhan was taking their group photos.

"SOMEONE! Take a picture of me with Sehun and Hana!"

The moment Luhan shouted the request, all eyes turned to Kai who started feeling a weird sense of self-consciousness. Nevertheless, he grabbed the DSLR from Luhan while the others dispersed to take photos with their families.

"Where's mom?" Sehun asked. The last time he had seen her was when she was handing over the certificates. After that, she simply disappeared.

"She's probably making sure everything's proper for tonight," Hana guessed, "They've been preparing for the festival for months."

"Yeah, but-"


"Whoops, sorry," Luhan muttered, though he didn't look least apologetic.

Hana, despite smiling brightly toward the camera, still could not see clearly and had no idea how the picture would turn out. Kai took a regular photo but didn't return Luhan his camera. His reason? He needed to take more photos of them. Doing what? Poses Luhan would rather be caught dead doing.

"Oh, c'mon! Hyung!"




Luhan stalked away, and Kai followed him leaving Sehun and Hana standing in the middle of a bunch of photo taking students. Sehun stared at Hana before looking back at their friend cahsing their brother.

"How can they just..."

"Never mind," Hana smiled. "I can't believe we did it, though. Can you?"

"Nah," Sehun replied as he grabbed Hana's wrist and held up their certificates, "I thought I wouldn't even pass the mid-terms, to be honest."

Hana chuckled and shook her head, "I thought I wouldn't see the ceremony entirely. Two years ago, I thougt wouldn't even graduate highschool."

"But look at you now," Sehun nudged and Hana smiled wider.

"I still can't believe it."

"What can't you believe?"

Hana jumped and spun to find a beaming Baekyun, "You almost scared me."

"Almost?" Kyungsoo snorted and swung his arm around Baekhyun's shoulder.

"How are you guys so friendly today?" Sehun asked with an arched brow.

Baekhyun scoffed, "What do you mean? We're always friendly. Aren't we?"

Kyungsoo nodded and Hana exchanged glances with her brother. It was probably the spirit of graduating that had them being so buddy-buddy with each other. They had all applied to several universities. There were a few in which some of them had applied to together, but only two in which they all did. Hana had been wondedring lately, how would life be if they were all separated? She didn't want to imagine one without any of them. She had just found friends, she wasn't ready to let them go so soon.

"Done with family photos?" Baekhyun asked.

"Kai sort of...yeah, he ran off with the camera after hyung. So technically, we're done." Sehun replied.

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