Twice In 24 Hours

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From being in a best friend duo, to becoming a loner, to being a stranger among a trio, to being a part of the most lively group o people she had ever known, Hana had seen a lot of phases. Being with Yuri since her childhood, of course she'd have the pain of their sunken relationship still lingering in her system. But the company she currently had had brightened her enough to be able to enclose the pain inside a box. No doubt she missed her, and the pain and torture she felt during her two years of isolation would creep out through the crevices, but now she had support and a reason to move on. She now had six companions helping her, three of which were the dearest to her. Other than them, her cousins were finally back, she was doing well with her psychiatrist, and Junmi had cut down on smoking by a lot. In short her life at the moment was going greater than she had expected.

It had been four days since Chanyeol came back, Sehun had made himself comfortable between the group, and their winter music festival preparations were soaring. They met every day for four to five hours, Sehun and Kai too, since they found their conversations interesting. It took a lot of their will power not to create the serious discussions they were having into bicker fests or unnecessary discussions.

Hana had agreed to Lay's offer after a lot of consideration. A part of her told her that he was right; she wanted to let the world see what an amazing composer her father was. But there was another part, which nagged her telling her that she was exploiting a personal piece of her past with her father, a piece that should only be meant for her to know and cherish. Careful consideration and advice from Luhan was enough to make up her mind and ignore the voice that aroused her guilt.

To say they were awestruck when she played it would be the proper statement. Lay strummed his guitar and although his guitar made rare appearances in her song, it still gave off a soothing vibe and fit perfectly. They loved it, and to think that they had an already halfway composed song prepared, it was a big achievement for them. Lay already knew that the song still needed tweaking. Since her father's death Hana never bothered, or to put it plainly, had the heart to change what her father had helped her write. It took her a huge chunk of courage to let Lay make changes in the song. He, Hana, and Jongdae, with a little help from Chanyeol, spent three days on the composition. Hana had to admit Lay was good at this, in three days he not only was able to complete the tune for the piano, but he also made suitable adjustments of other instruments. In three days time, three genius minds had been able to finish the song. The more Lay heard it, the more he fell I love with it. Every time he would hear it, he'd remember the first time he saw Hana and the way she plagued his mind even-though he didn't know her name then. He couldn't believe that the stranger he saw months ago, would now be the girl he dotes on.

They were done with their instrumental, the three days the LayHanDae trio spent composing, Kai used that time to help Sehun get a closer look at their group, Chanyeol practiced his rapping and although he may not look like it, he was a decent lyricist. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun practiced songs with challenging notes, the practice sessions which later always ended up as competitions like who could hit the highest notes for instance. Albeit that most of them did not help with the composition, their own activities helped them in many ways. Sehun was now a lot more comfortable with them, Chanyeol was prepared to write a rap if Lay required him to, and despite BaekSoo's seemingly unsuccessful sessions, they had themselves all warmed up and prepared. Lay was all set to write down the lyrics based on what Chanyeol had suggested earlier that week but he hardly had time, soccer practices were killing him and he considered it good fortune that they were able to fully get done with the at least the instrumental before the pressure of the upcoming games dawned upon him. If being the vice captain was such a pain, he didn't even want to imagine the hell the captain would have to take from their coach.

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