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Ever since going through the torture of finishing that damned lemon ice cream, Hana would be lying if she said there wasn't an itch in her throat. It wasn't severe, but if not treated properly, it could result in a fever and that was the last thing anyone is the household wanted. It was the season where flues and sore throats were viral, but even so, being sick during the last two weeks of vacations was a no no.

"Your eyes are a little red, you sure you're alright?" Luhan asked probably the sixth time. He saw how she was being quiet, unlike her months old self. Plus her eyes were red, he doesn't know what went down after he left with Kris but he does know that the last person she saw other than Sehun and himself was Lay. Sehun hadn't said anything, Luhan was sure he hadn't said anything mean either, then who would be the source of the possibility that she cried?

"I'm fine Luhan don't worry." She tried assuring but her voice cracked at the end. Luhan's brows furrowed.

"Did Lay do something? Did he hurt you?" He asked in a not so polite voice and Hana's eyes widened.

"What? N-"

"'Cuz I swear to God if he did I will-"

"Hyung! Chill! Listen to her at least." Sehun interjected and Hana sighed in relief. Luhan successfully shut up due to the sudden intrusion and Hana took the opportunity to clear her innocent boyfriend's name.

"He didn't do anything, he didn't say anything, and I just have a mild case of sore throat. " Luhan looked a little flustered and Sehun scoffed.

"Way to overanalyze things bro." he said popping a grape in his mouth and joining the table with his bowl of cereal.

"I was just- this- nevermind." Luhan stuttered and immediately dug into the rest of his pancakes. Hana sniggered at her cousin and shook her head when Luhan's gaze locked with hers again, but this time filled with pure concern rather than being littered by suspicion.

"Take care though. How about you stay home today?" Hana stopped her spoon mid air and immediately shook her head.

"But I'm fine! It'll be ok Luhan don't worry."

"Are you-"

"-sure?" Sehun finished grabbing her wrist.

"You don't have a fever but I don't think you should push your luck."

"I'll be fine guys." Hana reassured. Luhan looked reluctant but nodded and Sehun shrugged. He'd be with her anyways so he could always bring her back. Junmi entered the house surprising the three.

"Mom....I thought you were sleeping?" Sehun asked with pinched brows and his mother quickly walked towards the table and settled opposite her niece. She looked tired; then again, anyone who has been waking up at 5 am and going back and forth between Jeju and Seoul for the past two weeks would be tired. That day she woke up at the same time and since then had been in her office, the upcoming soccer cup sure was a handful.

"Are you alright mom?" the older asked concerned and his mother held his hand with a smile.

"I'm fine Han, just tired."

"Should I get you something? Water? Breakfast?" Hana sniffed as she asked but luckily none of the boys noticed.

"Water would be nice."

The teen immediately shot up and returned with a glass of water and two toasts. Giving her water, Hana continued to spread peanut butter and jam on both slices and slid the plate towards her.

"The cup is nearing and oh God why did it have to be outside Seoul this year." Junmi groaned and took an aggressive bite of her sandwich.

"Why is soccer even a big deal? It's just a bunch of good looking boys running around the field tiring themselves out to make goals. Someone please remind me why is it so cool? What's the big fuss? What? I mean what? And would it have KILLED the board to settle the location in Seoul? But nooooooooo, 'stadiums in Seoul are too expensive' they said. Idiots. Do they even know how much work this is?!" Junmi went as far as mimicking voices and continued rambling. Luhan would normally step up and defend his love but his mother needed the outburst so he let it slide this one time. After another five minutes of cursing everyone Junmi had met in the past four hours, the woman relaxed and sighed. The kids listened of course and Hana tried her best not to cough due to the itch in her throat. It was silent for a while, the three observed her as she sat there breathing heavily before them. But before Luhan, or anyone could break the silence, Junmi spoke again, only this time, they were stunned by what they heard.

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