Cocktail Club House

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Summer craze was still at its peak and the concrete paths that would usually be trampled by black corporate shoes had now the additions of colorful sneakers, sandals, and other forms of teen trending shoes. Among the swarm of high tops and sandals, there was a pair of red sneakers and maroon striped wedges. They were walking down the street, passing random bodies with extreme excitement. If their friends hadn't set them up, Lay probably wouldn't have had the guts to ask her on a date. Frankly he had no idea why he did that, regret washed over him the instant the words escaped his mouth but with the girl's reply all of that went out the window. Now he only felt happy and freaking nervous. She said yes but now what? There was no plan. When they went to the arcade he knew where they were going to go, what they would do, he had a plan. Right now he was clueless. Where should he take her? What should they do? He would've really liked it if his friends had gave him a warning, but then when he thinks about it, if they had, he probably would've started over thinking and chicken out the last minute.

"Do you have some place you want to go to?" He figured she'd make it easier for him and his spark of hope almost caught fire when he saw her purse her lips in thought, but before his spark could fully ignite, it extinguished with her 'no'. Is this what all first dates were like? Not the part where your friends trick you into being alone with your crush but the part where you have no idea what to do. He looked over at Hana. The corners of her lips were slightly tugged upwards, not into a complete smile, but the type to show the world that the person is content. He envied her for a second, she was there looking all calm and gorgeous while he was a nervous wreck. If only he knew the amount of times she questioned her appearance. Did she look fine? Did her hair look weird? Were there any strands out of place? Hana didn't know what to do. Her hands were getting clammy, the wind made her worry about her hair and over all she was just worried whether she looked appropriate enough walking next to the handsome boy. Even with her head going crazy, the tiny smile on her face wasn't forced. It was 100% genuine. She was on top of the world. Her crush, the very first guy she ever properly paid attention to (other than her cousins and a certain asshole) asked her out. Asked HER out. Was she fangirling? Yes she was. She looked over at him and he was looking straight ahead with a bright expression but his eyes looked troubled. Did he perhaps....regret asking her? He hadn't said much after that either. Hana became conscious and slightly worried. When he asked her she felt that maybe he liked her too? That's basically why a guy asks a girl on a date right? At least that's what Hana knew.... The only date proposal she actually ever saw was Dongmin's for Yuri, but then that didn't turn out well.....therefore Hana was beginning to question herself. She looked towards the locket dangling on her neck. Was this it? Would they remain just friends?

A hand suddenly laced with hers and her eyes widened because of the sudden contact. Hana's eyes darted towards the only person on her immediate left and landed on the impression on his right cheek as he flashed her a boyish smile.

"I know somewhere we can go. Come on!"



"Quiet down you idiot!"

Kyungsoo scolded Chanyeol as they came out from behind the corner. Kai and Sehun being among the taller ones in the group arched their necks to search the crowd for a certain couple. Baekhyun whined as he complained to Chanyeol and Jongdae started walking ahead of the still group.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Well we're not gonna find them standing here now are we?" he countered Kyungsoo and the others followed after him while nodding.

"I can't believe it. We look away for three seconds and they're out of sight already." Sehun huffed.

"If it wasn't for Kai, we wouldn't have had to look away in the first place." Baekhyun said pointedly and Kai became defensive.

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