Chapter 4

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The ride to our hotel was fairly quiet. We talked a little about the match but I could tell the guys were drained. It was pouring down and we were due for severe thunderstorms overnight. I hated being out in this kind of weather - some would say thunder is relaxing - not me.

Our suite was pretty luxurious. There was a small kitchen, indoor pool, and a mind-blowing entertainment room. The best part was the two balconies, each shared between two rooms, which overlooked the city skyline. Dean and Roman rushed inside, purposely picking bedroom on opposite sides of the hall, just so my room wouldn't end up next to Seth's.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Seth muttered to himself.

I rushed over to take the room on the left, next to Roman. We unpacked our stuff, changed, and met back in the main room, deciding on what to have for dinner. Seth called room service and ordered food for everyone. The food and service was incredible at this hotel, it was actually the first time I was staying at such a fancy place.

"So what do you guys want to do now? It's only 1am." Seth asked as he glanced at his rolex.

"How about we do something tomorrow instead? I'm exhausted right now" Dean suggested.

"Yeah, I want to rest for a while too, I'll see you guys in the morning" I got up and went to my room. Everyone else decided to follow along. I dimmed my lights down a bit but not all the way just so I didn't have to see lightening flashing in the room. A few minutes later, my phone started vibrating, Dean had Roman on three-way. I was relieved to be able to fill them in on everything that had happened today with Seth at work. We talked for about fifteen minutes before Dean said he was going to sleep.

Half an hour had passed, I was tired as hell, but still couldn't fall asleep. I was startled by the knocking on my balcony door. I pushed the curtain aside to find a shirtless Roman in shorts waiting to be let in.

"Hey, sorry for coming here this late, but I saw your light shining on the balcony and I couldn't sleep." His hair was slightly messy, but that didn't take away from his beauty. The last thing I expected was to have a shirtless hot Samoan in my room at night.

"It's fine, you can come in. I couldn't sleep either cause of the thunder" I whispered softly.

"Afraid of thunder? Really?" He pulled up a chair and sat backwards on it, facing my bed.

"I didn't say I was afraid...I just can't sleep when it's thundering, that's it."

"Yeah okay, sure...I'll just chill here for a bit until I get tired. My body is hurting too much for me to sleep."

I felt a little uneasy having Roman in my room like this, but he kept his distance, so I wasn't too worried. We talked for atleast an hour about random things, before I slowed down my responses. The rumbles of thunder began fading into the background as I fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up to find Roman still in my room. He was asleep on the chair, with his head down on his arm over the backrest of the chair. How could anyone even sleep like that? I lightly tapped his tattooed bicep, instantly waking him up. Roman looked up at me with confusion and then looked around, realizing he had fallen asleep in my room.


"Oh shit! Sorry...I didn't realize when I -"
I cut him off midsentence, "It's okay Roman, you just fell asleep"

He shot up and went out to the balcony, back to his own room without saying another word.

I got up for the regular morning routine and pulled on a cami and some denim shorts. Slowly opening my door, I poked my head out to see who else was awake - Dean and Seth's rooms were empty, their doors were left open. Dean was in the kitchen, eating what smelled like a bacon, egg, and sausage sandwich. I joined Dean at the table, who pushed over the basket of muffins to me. Seth was sitting across from me, chugging down a protein shake and scrolling through his phone.

Dean lowered his head at me, "you look tired."

"The thunder kept me up." I muttered, biting into the chocolate chip muffin.

Just then Roman treaded to the table, looking quite exhausted, and took a seat next to me. He wore a muscle tee and shorts, and had his hair pulled back in a messy bun.

"What happened to you?" Seth asked him.

"Yeah, you look like crap." Dean chuckled.

"I'm good, just kept tossing and turning because of the thunder." Roman yawned, dropping his head down on the table. Seth curiously looked back and forth between Roman and me.

I got back up from the table and made some French vanilla coffee and set a cup in front of Roman.
"Here, have some coffee and a muffin, that should help." I returned back to my seat and finished my muffin.

"Thanks." He slowly sipped his coffee.

We ate our breakfast in silence, for the most part. None of us were morning people, especially Roman. Occasionally I would glance over at him and he would already be looking at me. I noticed Seth was still cynically eyeing the both of us. After breakfast, we sorted our schedules for next week. Seth left for the gym, announcing he would be back by lunch. I decided to take Dean and go shopping. I went to get dressed, leaving Dean and Roman at the table.

"Everything alright man? You look kinda rough"

Roman looked in the direction Kiran had just left, "Mmhmm. All good."

"Talk to me man, what's going on?"

"I think I like her..."

"Who? Kiran?"

"Mmhmm. I like her alot." He was holding back a smile.

" too? I mean you do look good together...maybe you should tell her too, see what she says?"

Roman got up, "Nah man, not yet, I wanna see if she likes me first, you better not say anything to her either."

I put my hand up "I won't say a word."

I got dressed and returned to the kitchen to find Dean with his hand up in the air. "Won't say a word about what?" Both of them suddenly went silent.

"Won't say a word about what I said I won't say a word about." Dean smirked at me.

"Okay...I'm not even going to bother with what you just said. C'mon let's go."

"Later man" Dean gave a head nod to Roman and went to grab his phone.

"I'll see you later Ro, you sure you're okay?" I went over, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah...yeah, go have fun. I'm going to take a nap."

I left and hurried after Dean

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