Chapter 8

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It was pretty cool sharing a room with Roman. He was laid back and didn't even fight for the bathroom. For tonight, I wore a little black dress, slightly low-cut from the neck, and came just above my knees. I felt a little uncomfortable, but it was the only proper dress I owned — I wasn't much of a dress person. I quickly did my hair and finally spritzed on my favorite perfume — Juicy Couture. I wasn't quite sure how I looked as I stared in the mirror.

"Roman, what do you think?" I turned to ask him.
But he was already watching me.

"Stunning..." He smiled.

It was the first time I dressed up this much, if you even call this dressing up. I slipped on my black four-inch stilettos and took one final look in the mirror. It was hard to believe that was my own reflection staring back at me.

"CAABS ARE HEEERE!!" Dean hollered from the hall.

Roman came out of the bathroom with his hair neatly tied back and a fresh shave, which highlighted his sharp jawline. He was only wearing black pants. I had to stop myself from staring at his perfectly sculpted arms...his rock-hard pecs...his sexy Samoan abs...stop it Kiran!

He grabbed his white shirt from the couch and started buttoning it up. I don't know how that shirt contained his arms. The fabric would wrap around his biceps each time he flexed his arms.

I grabbed my little crossbody bag, stuffing my phone and a few other things, and went with Roman to the lobby. I wasn't completely used to walking in these heels, so I had to walk slower than usual, holding Ro's arm for support.

Dean and Seth were both ready, with fresh shirts and hair fixed up. They looked quite different out of their usual black swat gear — Dean wore a white tee which hugged his pecs, and a black leather jacket on top, while Seth wore a light blue button-down shirt, his hair cleanly tied back. I had to admit — they both looked good. I carefully made my way over to them, trying to avoid toppling over. Both Dean and Seth stopped talking and turned to me.

"Okay, stop looking at me like that. You guys are making me feel awkward." I shyly told them.

"Why are you feeling awkward? You look beautiful." Dean complimented me.

"Thanks! You two are looking quite polished as well, I must say." I smiled back at them. I could see Seth eyeing me down and rubbing his chin, but I ignored him. Tonight was my time to enjoy, and not worry about him.

We all managed to get out minutes before nine and headed for the cabs. Only it wasn't a cab, when we got down, it was a stretch limo, with a bar and neon blue lights inside. I scooted in first, trying to keep my dress from moving up any further, and the guys followed in.

They started pouring out shots for us. I decided to pass, I wasn't much of a social drinker anyway. The club was an hour's drive from our hotel, giving the guys plenty of time to throw back shots. Roman offered me a shot, the other two insisting I take just one, so I gave in.

We arrived at Early Bird's Nightclub, one of the nicer clubs in Fort Wayne. Inside, the music drowned out my thoughts. Quite a few people were staring at us, well, mostly at the guys since they probably recognized them from WWE. Some of the girls were giving me looks wondering who the hell I was with them. Then, a woman slightly older than me walked up to Dean and gave him a peck on the cheek. He introduced Renee Young to us, and she worked as an interviewer for WWE. I had definitely seen her on tv before, but I never knew they were into each other. Dean and Renee held hands and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me with Seth and Roman.

Roman noticed I was feeling uncomfortable with the stares from everyone, so he took me over to the bar, where he and Seth continued their series of shots for the night, offering me a few as well. I refused and ordered myself a fruity non-alcoholic drink instead. I was a little concerned about these two. They were drinking since the drive here. We caught a glimpse of Dean and Renee together on the dance floor. They looked really cute together.

Another chick came and walked up to Seth, whom he also recognized and pulled him into the dancing crowd. Seth was reluctant to leave me with Roman but was too drunk to refuse the girl.

Roman leaned in close to my ear, cupping my face with his hand. "Wanna go dance?" I could barely make out his words over the music, but I knew what he was trying to say.

I nodded, allowing Roman to take me by my hand and lead the way up front. Roman was enjoying himself lip singing and dancing, especially on Mario's song "Let Me Love You," which got a big pop from the crowd. He began wiping away the thin layer of sweat off his face. I pulled a tissue from my pocket to carefully dab away the sweat from around his stitches so he didn't pull them.

We decided to take a break and join Dean and Renee, who were at the bar taking shots. Roman grabbed a shot for himself and insisted me on taking one more. His glimmering eyes and precious smile made it impossible to turn him down, so we cheered to another few shots. I gulped them down, wincing as the liquor burned its way down my throat. I had no clue what I drank, but these tasted a hell of a lot stronger than the vodka shot I had earlier. Roman was definitely going over his limit as he had to lean on the bar table to keep himself propped up.

I signaled Dean with my hand to come here. He himself was looking quite hammered but nowhere near as bad as Roman.

"Don't let this one have anymore! He's done!" I shouted into his ear. Dean examined Roman and nodded his head.

Seth walked over to us with a drink in hand, asking me to dance with him. He wasn't trying to be weird about it and genuinely just wanted a good time. I was drunk enough to say yes and let him lead the way. Seth was quite energetic on the dancefloor and had captivated the attention of many who pulled out their phones and started recording him. He held my hand, trying to get me to match his steps, but the music was too fast and upbeat for me. I stood from the sideline and cheered him on. Taking a quick glance at my watch, it was almost two in the morning. From the crowd, a firm hand grabbed my arm and began pulling me towards them. I tried releasing my wrist, but his grip was too strong. I caught a glimpse of Roman's face under the flashing neon strobe lights as he pulled me into his arms.

His eyes were now locked onto mine, giving me a dreamy look. He took my arms and placed them around his neck, wrapping his toned arms around my waist. His hand cradled the small of my back, pulling me against his body. We slowly swayed in perfect sync to the music. The lights above began to dim down, the world around us blurring into a soft haze with glimmers of silver sparkles casting in the distance.

Roman kept me close to him, allowing me to feel the warmth of his body, the scent cologne taking over me. Even though we were dancing slowly, my heart was pounding — standing this close Roman, I was sure he could feel it as well! I was drowning in the depths of his gaze and refused to resurface. Did I really catch feelings for him? Everything felt surreal. Roman was quite intoxicated, it was a wonder how he was holding his composure on the dance floor. The DJ announced last call of the night — a special request from Roman Reigns.

Tempted To Touch started up (*see video*), and in seconds, the floor crowded up one last time. Roman knew that was one of my favorites. We let go of each other and let the beat take over us. He moved up behind me, gently encircling my wrists, and enjoyed me dancing on him. Our bodies moved rhythmically against each other, feeling his bulge press into me. He swept my hair to one side and rested his chin into my neck and shoulder, wrapping his huge arms tightly around me. Then, when I thought things couldn't get any better, a kiss landed on my ear, slowly continuing down to my cheek.  His beard gently prickled against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. We didn't realize the music had stopped, but Roman was still holding onto me, as were others. For a moment I came back to my senses and looked up to find Seth gawking at us from the bar with rage filling in his eyes.

I guess Kiran has fallen for Roman....what will Seth do now?

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