Chapter 17

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Roman was just a mess at this point. He was so overcome with guilt as he paced back and forth in front of the trainers room. I don't even know how all this happened, but we would figure out the details after we knew Kiran was okay. I walked over to Roman and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Dude, she's gonna be okay. She's strong. It was an accident, don't be so hard on yourself."

He turned around for a bro hug, "Dean, I don't know how that happened. It was her first day out with everyone and I fuckin' screwed everything up for her."

"It's not your fault, shit happens. Don't worry, man, she'll be good in no time." Roman pulled away and was looking down.

Damn...he really cares about her.

Well, I'm a dick....yes, I purposely set up Roman to spear his own girlfriend. I did feel bad that Kiran was hurt, but this was the perfect opportunity to try and create some separation between them. Especially after the way Roman threatened me in the locker room earlier today, this is what he deserved. Now I had to figure out some way to pit these two against each other... or at the very least make her realize his good-for-nothing wrestling skills.

We didn't know where Roman walked off to but the doctor came out and said we could see Kiran. Dean and I rushed over to her. Still laying down, she looked up at us with a smile. Her eyes were scanning behind us — probably looking for her lame ass boyfriend.


"Hey girl, how're you doing?" I held Kiran's hand while stroking her hair.

"I've been Roman okay? Where is he?"

Here was a girl who just got speared by a 260-something pound ex-football player turned pro-wrestler, and all she was worried about was how he was doing. I swear these two are made for each other. I didn't know what to tell her. Quite frankly, I had no clue where he walked off to. "He's fine. He had just landed on his arm, but he's fine. He'll be here in a bit, don't worry. What else hurts besides your ribs?"

"I'm just sore, that's all. Mostly, it's my lower back and ribs, which are killing me,"

While I was with Kiran, Seth talked to the doctor and asked about what we needed to do for her. He mentioned that she had bruised ribs from the impact and would need bed rest for a few days and also prescribed her some painkillers.

Well, the first time out by ringside didn't go as well as I hoped. Instead of helping others, I ended up becoming injured myself. My ribs hurt like hell whenever I moved. My lower back was also sore, but mainly, it was my ribs from Roman's spear. When he hit into me, I had no clue what had happened. At that moment, all I felt was the air from my lungs being knocked out and then felt Roman's weight crushing me.

Not fun. Not fun at all.

Dean and Seth carefully helped me get off the exam table and seated in a chair. Dean went behind me to tie up my hair in a horrible side ponytail.

He gently put his arm around my shoulder, "Come, let's get your stuff and get on the bus."

"No, I want to see Roman first. I'm not leaving from here til I see him."

"He's probably in the locker room. Let's go to him." Seth tried persuading me as well, but I shook my head and moved Dean's arm off me.

"Dean, go and get Roman, I'll wait here with her." Seth walked over and stood by me as Dean went off to find Roman.

I knew Roman was beating himself up and probably worried sick over me, which is why he wasn't here. I couldn't let him do this. It was just an accident, and thankfully, I didn't break anything. It was also a relief that this whole stunt wasn't being broadcasted on live TV... saved myself some embarrassment there.

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