Chapter 30

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The wait is finally over! 😁

I went to my locker room and turned on the cold shower, just standing there with my hands leaning against the tile wall. I didn't want to think about the possibility of my girlfriend having anything to do with this whole phone hack thing but why would Seth just bring it up out of nowhere? He's lied time and again in the past and this could very well be another one of his setups. After my shower, I dried off and changed into fresh clothes. Kiran was already in my lockerroom sitting on the bench and scrolling through her phone. She immediately turned the screen off as I walked up behind her to grab my bag, which I found rather odd. Kiran placed her phone on top of her bag and stood up to embrace me. I had an arm around her, holding her against me.

"You okay Kiran?? You've been pretty quiet these past couple days."

"Yeah.....I'm fine. It just feels like forever since we really spent time with each other...."

As she was talking with her face into me, I couldn't help myself but to discreetly pick up her phone and punch in her passcode. I kept talking to her while scrolling through her recently used apps. To my surprise — she had used was signed out but my email was still in the username box. I swiped over to her camera roll and saw the same picture saved a day before it was posted online. And then of course she was just texting Seth before I came up to her. I closed her phone and slowly left it back the way it was before pulling away from her. At this point I didn't know what to feel with her but I wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Kiran, I wanted to ask you something.....come sit here for a sec."

She cautiously moved back and sat down next to me.

"About what?"

I put an arm around her shoulder, " know my Twitter incident right? I was wondering if you knew anything about it?"

"No....why? What happened?" Her tone went flat.

"Seth mentioned your name. I know he's a dick and all but I wanted to ask you myself before jumping to conclusions."

"Roman, I don't know why you're listening to him....I don't know anything, now can we go? Dean's waiting for us." She quickly stood up and was about to head for the door but I caught her by her arm.

That dumbfuck Seth opened his mouth..... I didn't know what to say to Roman but I knew he wasn't going to let this go. He had me by the arm and pulled me back against the wall of lockers and stood in front of me so I couldn't move anywhere.

"Kiran, you've known me long enough to know that I hate liars and cheats. Please don't test my patience right now."

"I didn't do anything Roman! Why are you acting like this?"

He closed his eyes and started clenching his jaws — something I only saw last time when he lost his temper. Then my heart really started racing when I heard him tapping his fingers against the wall his hand was leaning on, right beside my ear.

"Okay...fine.....Just tell me why?"

"Why what?"


The sudden spike in his voice startled and shook me to the core. Tears welled up in my eyes faster than I realized they were already falling.

"I-I was trying to h-help you." I couldn't even get my words out.

"Help me with what?!? Help me destroy my career?!? Did you want Seth to win? Is that it?!?!"

Roman's phone buzzed on the bench. I glanced over to it and saw Seth's name pop up on the screen. Roman walked over to check the message, he began reading the text out loud — 'in case you were still wondering why she hacked your account.' And attached to it was the video which he stared at for a good few seconds. He tossed the phone back onto bag, not even caring where it would land and backed me up against the wall again.

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