Chapter 32

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I opened my eyes to find Dean at the foot of my bed with just his shorts on. He was pointing at me quietly. I looked down to find Roman's head resting on my chest and felt his hand under my tank top with his fingers cupping over my left boob. Great....

"What the fuck?" I whispered to Dean.

I was so confused as to how and when Roman even got into my bed, let alone under my tank top. Dean was trying so hard not to crack up. I signaled him to wake Roman up and he did so by tapping his shoulder repeatedly until he opened his eyes.

"What do you want Dean?" He spoke in barely above a whisper.

"Good morning Roman..." I said sweetly but in a sarcastic way.

Roman looked up and was horrified when he realized what was happening. He immediately pulled his hand out from under my shirt and got off of me. He sat up and had his face buried in his hands.

"Long night buddy?" Dean asked him.

"You are the worst person to share beds with, you know that? It's because of you I ended up over here."

"Was it because of me too that your hand ended up—never mind..." Dean blurted out.

Roman looked up and gave him the death glare as Dean headed out the door. He was beyond pissed about being caught sleeping with me like that. He shot out of bed and went to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. When he came out a little while later, I tried talking to him.

"Roman, you don't have to be mad at yourself for what happened before. It's not a big deal... We are so used to sharing a bed and—"

"No! Shut up! Just shut up! I know you're trying to manipulate me and trying to find a way back into my life. How do I know you didn't take advantage of the situation and move my hand on yourself?!"

"Roman.....why would I do that?"

"Because you're a manipulative little bitch..."

He really knew how to make me cry. His temper was getting high so I didn't engage in this argument anymore. I waited til he left the room to get out of bed.

>>>>>>Wednesday at work

Today was going to be tough because Dr. Amann had to work on some scans for one of the divas so I was left to collect blood and urine for the company's random drug screenings which took place atleast four times a year. Some talent required more frequent testing if they tested positive for any of the prohibited substances.

Whenever a talent had a free moment during the day, they stopped by to get blood drawn by me and then another medic staff member helped with the urine samples to ensure that they were from the right person.

I was happy when Dean strolled in towards the end of the night and made himself comfortable in my office. I thought Roman would be with him, since he still hadn't gotten his blood drawn, but oddly he wasn't.

"Let's get this over with.....I hate needles." He made his way over to the chair next to the table with the supplies and had his arm stretched out and ready.

I tied the top of his arm to get a good blood flow and swabbed the inner bend of his arm where the needle was going to be. "Dean, I just don't understand how you "hate" needles when you've dealt with chainsaws, glass, barb wire, and let's not forget your wrestling career."

"Well half the time I was drunk in some of those indie matches....I'm sober as fuck right now and I see you unwrapping that evil little thing..."

"Don't look at what I'm doing. Just close your eyes and try to relax for a minute. I'll be quick."

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