Chapter 59

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Hey guys! First off I want to thank you for being patient with me since I had a lot going on and wasn't able to update on time. Next I want to thank each and every reader who commented on yesterday's note and had my little hamster in their thoughts. I wasn't able to reply back individually but I really appreciate you all and it means a lot to me. I managed to finish up the weekly chapter and it's definitely a long one. There will be one more chapter and then there should be an epilogue but I'll let you know in the coming days. For now enjoy this chapter and if you need to refresh your memory, you can always go back to the last chapter to see where we left off. 😊


It took me a moment to figure out where I was when I finally came around. My eyelids felt as if they were made of steel, I could barely hold them open. The room was filled with sounds of beeping monitors and bright lights which made my eyes sting. Looking around the room, I realized I was in the hospital. I was still alive. The last thing I recalled was getting pushed off the balcony and hitting my head on the rail. Then some time later, Roman and Dean were hovering over my face. As soon as I saw them, I knew I wasn't in danger anymore.

My body hurt all over and some parts felt tighter than others with bandages. I felt the needles sitting in my arms and hand which were providing me with IV fluids. I tried lifting my arms but both of them were held down. It was impossible to try and sit up but I did manage to lift up my head a little to find Dean and Roman sleeping with their heads down on either side of me, each of them holding onto one of my hands. I didn't know what time it was but by the looks of these two, they hadn't gotten much sleep and were out cold.

A nurse walking by noticed I was awake and came in to check my vitals, all while the guys were still asleep. She was smiling at the way Roman and Dean were sleeping, also telling me how they were eagerly waiting for the past few hours until I regained consiousness. She had even offered them the couch which was against the opposite wall in my room, but they refused to move from my side. After the nurse left, I took my hand out of Roman's and gently placed it on his head, stroking his hair back. Within a few seconds, his eyes shot open and he sat up, looking around as if he forgot where he was. He was met with a sense of relief when his eyes landed on me and saw that I was awake.

"Kiran?....Oh my gosh....Kiran, you're okay!! You're awake!!" He quickly got up and gave me a hug, followed by a long kiss. I felt his warm tears fall on my face as he shut his eyes, trying to prevent more from escaping. Seeing him crying like that made me get all emotional as well.

"Yes Roman, I'm okay....thanks to you and Dean." I whispered softly.

"Kiran, you have no idea how scared I was thinking I could have lost you today. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do without you. You're my everything're my life...and you have to promise me that you're not going to ever take my life away from me. Promise me you'll never leave me alone...."

Now I was the one balling my eyes out after hearing him. "I...promise." Those were the only two words I managed to say in between crying and sniffles.

He placed his arm around my shoulders and gave me another kiss before wiping away at the tears on my face. We looked over at Dean who was still sleeping with his head down while holding onto my right hand. Roman made sure to remove any evidence of crying from his face before going over to Dean and shook his shoulder to wake him up. He slowly got up and stretched his back out a bit before noticing I was up as well. 

"Kiran?'re awake? Roman, why didn't you wake me up?" He came closer and wrapped his arms around my shoulder while planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"Dean, it's okay, I just woke up a couple minutes ago...." I couldn't really move my arms up to hug him back because of the tubes so I just sat up slightly and leaned into him.

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