Chapter 52

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Thursday's finally here!! Here's another long chapter for the week. Get your thoughts and comments in because there's only a few more chapters left in the book 😁 Enjoy!!

Just as I kicked back the covers off of us and onto the floor, Kiran looked down at herself and started screaming while frantically trying to cover up her boobs with her hands.

"Roman!! What the hell!?!?! Where's my clothes?!?!"

Oh shit... I had completely forgotten that Kiran wasn't wearing a shirt last night when she fell asleep. And I guess this morning she didn't realize it either since she was still laying under the covers the whole time. I had to sit up to catch my breath from laughing so hard before I was able to answer her questions.

"I gave you a shirt last night, which you refused to wear and tossed aside. Consider yourself lucky that you atleast kept my boxers on."

"You don't expect me to believe that heap of bullshit??? I couldn't have been that drunk that I didn't put clothes on before sleeping next to you!"

"Yeah you were that drunk and you weren't sleeping next to me— you were sleeping on top of me, but that's not the point." I started cracking up again watching Kiran try to sit up while holding onto her boobs. She was having a hard time containing them because they were literally overflowing out of her small hands.

"Roman! Give me a fucking shirt right now before I come over there and clobber you!!"

"You sure you can do that? It looks like you have your hands full at the moment." That sent me hysterically laughing over the edge of the bed and onto the floor.

"You think you're such a clown? Just you wait and watch!! Give me a fucking shirt right now!"

I wiped the tears from my eyes and was holding onto my stomach as I climbed back up onto the bed, trying to control my laughter. I had found the t-shirt on the floor that Kiran had threw last night and held it up in front of her.

"You want the shirt? Here, take it." I dangled it over her, waiting for her to put her hand up to reach for it. She was about to reach up with one hand, halfway uncovering one of her nipples but then realized that wasn't going to work and immediately replaced her hand back where it was.

"Asshole! I know what you're trying to do!"

"Yeah I'm trying to get you to free the nipples!" I cheered with my hands in the air and broke out into another fit of laughter.

"You're so dead Roman! Stop playing games and give me the damn shirt!" She tried kicking me while seated but couldn't get to me. I hung the shirt over her again, trying to get her to take it.

"It's right here, take it.... Do you want me to hold those for you in the meantime?"

I noticed she was trying so hard to hold a straight face while being serious with me. Eventually she realized to use one of the pillows behind behind her to cover up and take my shirt. She was relieved to be somewhat clothed again, though I could still see her nipples poking through the white fabric which loosely hung over her body. Now I was in for it. I couldn't roll off the bed fast enough before Kiran had me in a chokehold coming in from behind me.

Roman was messing around with me, thinking he'll get away with it but he couldn't have been more wrong. As he was busy laughing like an idiot on the bed, I grabbed him from behind and put him in a chokehold just until I got him to lay flat on the mattress. I quickly climbed up on top of him to try and keep him down with my 138lb body but that was only going to work for so long. I was straddled over his midsection and had his arms crossed and pinned underneath him.

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