Chapter 55

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Sorry for the delay guys. I was having really bad writers block and was busy but I got the chapter up. I did a rough edit, but any mistakes I'll fix them later. Enjoy!

>>>> Monday Night Raw

Early this morning, Kiran had texted me to let me know that Roman was home and he was okay which took a huge weight off my shoulders. Once I knew Roman had Kiran, everything was going to be okay. She always made everything okay for him and I no longer had to worry about either of them.

I was the first one to reach the arena and went to catering to eat some lunch while I was waiting for Roman and Kiran to come here. That snarky bastard Seth was also in catering, flaunting off his title to his friends. This time I steered clear of him and took my table at the far corner in the hall. I was in the middle of eating and watching a few videos on YouTube on my phone when I saw Roman and Kiran standing in the doorway, holding hands. Out of excitement, I left my food and phone on the table to go and talk to them. Things were looking good by the fact that they were both holding hands.

As soon as I got to them, Kiran ecstatically raised her and Roman's hand as high as she could with the biggest smile on her face.

"Could this really be? Are Romeo and Juliet are finally back together??" I gave them a wide-eyed look.

"I prefer us being referred to as Beauty and The Beast; but yes we are are back together. Belle finally got her beast back." Roman smiled and hugged Kiran from behind.

"Call yourselves whatever you want, I don't care. I'm just so happy you guys are back! My two best buddies are back!" I pulled both of them into a quick hug.

"We gotta do something to celebrate tonight! Drinks on me!" Kiran announced.

We talked for another minute or two before I told them I'll meet them back in the dressing room. I went back to grab my phone but it wasn't there anymore. I checked under the table and around where I was sitting but it was nowhere to be found. Fuck my life. I just tossed my plate out and headed back to the dressing room. 


Roman had me go wait in their dressing room while he went to go check the tv schedule for today to see if he was scheduled for any match since he was still hurt from last night. As I was walking towards their dressing room, Seth was coming from the opposite direction, holding his title on his shoulder and was inspecting something very tiny in his hand. As he noticed me, he quickly slipped away whatever he had into his pocket and threw a cocky smile at me.

"It's been a while sweetheart..." He blocked my path.

"Get out of my way, asshole." I looked at the WWE world champion title sitting on his undeserving shoulder.

"It looks good on me, don't it? Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Just going out there, stealing the spotlight and taking what was rightfully mine....oh it was epic!"

I had no intention of getting into an argument with him but it seemed as if that's exactly what he was looking for. "I don't want to hear your shit. Just shut the hell up and move!"

"Why? Is the regret finally setting in that you fell for the wrong guy in this company? Don't be jealous that I've won this and your man just got his balls handed to him. I told you one day you'd wish you had picked me instead of that Neanderthal."

"Your ass is the only thing that's jealous of your mouth because of all the shit that comes out of it. I don't give a flying fuck that you won last night. You didn't earn that title, it was handed to you, probably after sucking off one of the higher ups. Nothing to be proud of there. I don't know why you keep thinking I would've ever considered being with you. Since day one, all you did was try to pursue me instead of actually get to know me and that's where the difference lies between you and Roman. You just wanted to have me just for the sake of saying you have me. And when I said no, that didn't sit well with your ego."

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