Chapter 12

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"Babygirl..." Roman's sweet whispering filled my ear as he traced a finger along my cheekbone. I didn't feel like getting up yet, so I moved just enough for him to pull his arm out from under me. His lips pressed against my temple before getting off the bed and pulled the covers back on me.

The guys headed off to the gym before tonight's Smackdown tapings. While they were out, I began packing my bags, and our flight was right after work, so we had to take our luggage with us to the arena.

Roman came back a few hours later after his workout, completely drenched in sweat, and hopped in the shower. It was almost time to leave for work, I laid out my clothes on the bed and while started fixing up my hair in the mirror. Roman stepped out the bathroom with just a white towel wrapped around his waist and hair down. He hadn't shaved the stubble on his face, which I didn't mind. It made him even more mesmerizing. This time, I made it slightly more obvious to him that I was admiring him through the mirror's reflection - and surely Roman noticed, giving me a smirk.

He walked up behind me and grabbed me by my waist, "I see you checking me out..." he brushed his lips over my ear.

I turned around to face him, looking up into his darkening grey eyes. I glided my hands over his hard chest, tracing my finger along the ink on his pec, "Hey, now I'm allowed to stare at my man."

"Possessive already, hmm?" Without warning, Roman leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine, sending jolts of electricity throughout my body, as he ran his fingers through my hair. I placed my hands on his broad shoulders, slowly bringing them up to his face and cupping his cheeks. Roman's hands moved down to the sides of my waist, squeezing my hips, and trailed his thumbs on my skin just above the band of my shorts. His lips were velvet soft, and I slowly caressed them with my own, ever so lightly brushing my tongue against his. This first kiss with my Samoan Superman was just perfect.

Then, of course, someone had to knock on the door. Roman quickly broke away his lips from mine, leaving me disappointed.

"Why???" He whined.

Still holding me by the waist, he looked into my eyes, giving me one last peck on the lips before letting me go to answer the door.

I moved a lock of hair out of his face and smiled, "I want those lips back later."

"Yes ma'am!" He perked his duck lips at me and went back into the bathroom, grabbing his clothes off the bed on the way there.

Opening the door, I found Dean standing on the other side, running his fingers through his hair and smiling at me.

"Hey, is Roman here? I needed to borrow a belt, I can't find mine anywhere."

"Yeah, come in, he's just changing." I moved aside to let him in, then proceeded to grab his arm and pulled it behind his back into an arm lock.

"Woah! Where did you learn to do that?" He asked, looking confused as he tried to struggle out of my grip.

"It helps watching you guys in the ring, but you should
be asking why not how!"

My NXT training wasn't as strong compared to the years these guys had - but Dean was completely immobile with his left arm, chuckling at my strength.

"Okay...why do you have me in an armlock?"

Roman came out all dressed and began laughing at the sight of Dean, "Serves you right! Second time, man! Second time!" He extended his arm, holding up two fingers to Dean.

"What did I do?"

I let go of his arm and stood in front of him, "Next time, I'll put you in a headlock." I teased him.

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