Chapter 14

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A/N: A nice long chapter for everyone, enjoy!

The next morning, we arrived near the Sleep Train Arena. The weather in California was quite comfortable, not too warm or too cool. The guys and I took out a rental and stuffed our bags into the trunk. We drove to a nearby hotel and checked into a two-room suite. Of course Roman and I roomed together. We took our gym stuff, leaving the rest of our luggage at the suite and went out for breakfast before heading to Seth's regular crossfit center. He was obsessed with crossfit and even had the guys join him in his workouts.

I did my usual workout on the treadmill while watching the guys work with bars, ropes, and weights. Every now and then, I would catch Roman throwing glances my way in between his workout. And everytime I looked dead at him, he quickly went back to what he was doing. After I couldn't run any longer, I got off the treadmill and made my way over to the guys.

"Can't you go sit somewhere over there, away from Roman? He seems to be easily distracted by you." Dean joked.

"I see what you mean...." I looked down at Roman on the floor who had stopped his exercise and was staring up at me with a cute smile.

"Aye guys!....quit messing around and come over here....we've got monday's routine to practice." Seth was calling the guys over to the practice ring that was set up. He was standing in the corner with his back leaning against the turnbuckle. "And Kiran, you can ref since we don't have one."

Dean took the dumbbell from Roman and put it back on the stand before they both climbed into the ring. Seth was going over Monday's script for their main event match which was going to be Roman vs Seth and Orton in a handicap match. Since Dean was going to be in a singles match, he decided to take Orton's place and pair up with Seth. The guys did a basic overview of the match and mainly worked on deciding the order of events leading up to the finisher. We weren't told who would win until the day of the match, so I pretty much did three counts when someone was pinned. The guys had agreed that loser would buy drinks for everyone tonight.

Towards the end of practice, we were pretty much fooling around and trying to distract each other. Dean had Roman's shoulder pinned down and signaled me to speed up the three count. I counted out Roman and declared Dean the winner.

"Oh, I see how it favor Dean over me?" Roman stood up and was tying up his hair.

"Noo...he won fair and square...." I giggled at him.

"Yeah, Roman, she counted you out fairly....looks like you're paying up tonight..." Seth chimed in.

"Ha ha... Kiran, you don't know how to ref... you're fired."

"What are you talking about? How hard is it to count to three? It's not my fault. You were too slow, you could have kicked out of that pin."

"Oh, is that so? You think you're faster than me?"

"I know I'm faster than you!"

Seth and Dean were now standing on the apron, watching me and Roman go back and forth.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" They both chanted while cheering me on.

"Alright, let's settle this - you and me are gonna have a match. Dean, you ref."

"You want to wrestle me? Do you know how big you are?" I was a bit nervous to wrestle my own boyfriend who was twice my size. And to be honest, I didn't know how to exactly wrestle. I only knew how to fix wrestlers, not be like them.

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