Chapter 5

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We got back to the suite after a few hours of shopping around. Roman was still fast asleep on the couch. I took my bags from Dean and went to my room to try on one of the outfits I planned on wearing to dinner tonight. It was a black collared romper, with short sleeves, mid-thigh length, and accesorized with a belt. I slipped on my black stilettos and called in Dean for his opinion.

"What do you think?" doing a little catwalk for him, and posed my hand on my hip.

"You're missing the tactical vest" he joked.

I was dressed in all black, but I couldn't help it - black was my favorite color!

"C'mon Dean, be serious" I urged.

"Jokes aside - you look cute." He smiled.

So this is what I would wear tonight. I stuffed the rest of the clothes in my suitcase, and started going through my bag for my phone charger, not realizing Seth had entered my room, without warning, until he grabbed me from behind.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you doing?" He whispered into my ear, bringing his face next to mine, and tightening his arms around me.

"Seth, I would be doing a lot better if you would stop grabbing me like this" I replied, trying to keep quiet so the guys wouldn't hear us. At this point I couldn't stand him anymore, so I made every effort to get him off me.

"Well, you're not helping your case by wearing all this" he gently tugged at my belt, lustfully biting his lower lip.

"Can you seriously stop?" I demanded him to leave me alone.

"I already told you babe, I'm not giving up on you. You're just -" He cut off midsentence.

"Who's watch is that?" Seth grimmly asked me. I looked at him in confusion. What watch was he talking about? Then I looked over to where he his eyes went - a men's watch was sitting on the nightstand. I felt my heart racing. That was Roman's watch. He must have had taken it off last night and forgotten it there. Seth went over to the night stand, picking up the black chrome Rado and examined it.

"This is Roman's watch - what's it doing here?"

There were no words coming to my lips, just a blank stare on my face as I stood there in terror, thinking what he would do next. I couldn't say I found it because he already knew I saw that watch on Roman.

"I...I don't know." I stuttered.

Seth was pissed. "Was Roman here last night?"

"No...why would he?" I snapped back.

Seth looked at me in silence. Moments later, he walked out with the watch in his hand. Now I was screwed.

I followed behind Seth and went over to Dean who was grabbing a beer from the fridge. Just by looking at my face, he knew something was wrong.

"Seth found Roman's watch in my room" I silently lipped, pointing at Seth.

Dean was confused at why Roman's watch was in my room. I recounted last night, telling him what had happened with Roman falling asleep on the chair.

"Shit!" Dean was just as confused on what to do next. He and I stood from the kitchen and peered from the doorway into the main area. Roman had woken up to find Seth suspiciously staring back at him from across the couch. He sat up to stretch, looking well rested.

"Hey... What've you guys been up to?"

"Nothing man, I just hit the gym, and the others came back from shopping."

"Cool. Well, I'm gonna go grab something to eat before we head out."

"Yeah sure. Oh by the's your watch" Seth handed over the watch. Roman already knew where Seth had found his watch, so he didn't bother asking.

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