Teaser Time

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It was hard figuring out what part of the chapter to put out as a teaser without giving too much away. So I had to use the snippet below but it's nice to see the playfulness between Kiran and Roman again.

"Good morning Roman..."

"Morning...had a good sleep?" He asked with his back to me.

"Yeah I did.....and thanks for not kicking me out of your bed last night."

"I figured if that was going to be the only way for you to sleep, then it would be the only way I was going to get sleep."

"Or maybe you just missed having me in you bed...."

"You're cute, but don't flatter yourself."

"Mhmmm. I know you won't admit it with your oversized manly ego"


"See, I knew it." I got out of bed and gathered my clothes to change into after my shower. From the corner of my eye I saw that Roman had stopped what he was doing and was checking me out from behind. I headed off to the bathroom, purposely strutting my hips for Roman's enjoyment.

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