Chapter 26

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I'm nearing 3k reads so as promised here's another chapter for the week. 😊

>>>>> Monday evening

Vince and Trips had called us to the arena early today to discuss PPV plans. Seth drove us to the Allstate Arena where we first we went to the locker room to put down our stuff. I got Kiran to stick around in the locker room with us but this time kept her far away from Seth.

"You guys think we're ever gonna get that triple threat against each other?" Dean asked us.

"I don't know but I'm waiting for that day, that'd be an interesting match." I replied through my teeth as I was struggling to tape up my hand properly. Kiran stepped over to me and took my hand and began helping me with the tape.

Seth was done changing and was waiting on us. "If that happens, it'd be after Mania, one of us is main eventing that."

"I know who I wanna see stealing the show at mania..." Kiran mumbled while looking up at me with a smile. Seth probably heard that as he was looking our way and rolled his eyes.

We made our way to the head office and met with the McMahons. Even though I had no business of being at this meeting, I still tagged along with Roman and the guys. Roman was quite favored by Vince, so much that he didn't mind me sticking around with him for the meeting. Trips laid out the plan for Fastlane. Dean was thrown into an intercontinental championship match against Kevin Owens, which Dean seemed happy about. Most likely there was going to be a rematch or triple threat at Mania for the IC title.

As for the other two, it was going to be Seth vs Roman next Sunday and Roman is favored to be the winner who would be in the main event for mania, given that he puts up a good match for this ppv. I squeezed Roman's hand under the table in excitement and complimented him when I heard that. Vince then looked in my direction with a smile.

"Do you also want to be an extra in their storyline?"

"Me? What?.......How will that work?"

"We can take your real-life relationship and make it into a backstage love triangle with Roman and Seth..." Vince had his arms folded across his chest and was waiting for a reply.

Seth was loving that idea, he had this cocky grin on his face, and was eagerly waiting on me to say yes.

Then I looked at Roman who was throwing me a dead stare

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Then I looked at Roman who was throwing me a dead stare. Apparently he wasn't flying with this idea so I asked Vince to give me a few minutes to think it over, which he did, leaving us alone in his office.

"I think you should take a chance and try this cou,d be a great start for something new." Seth started.

Dean also looked at me with hope glimmering in his eyes. "Yeah, don't you also wanna be known more publicly than always being behind the scenes?"

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