Author's Note

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Hey guys! So I'm posting this note to let my readers know what is going on with this book. If you recall at the beginning of this story, I had mentioned that I had many chapters written ahead as drafts and I would do weekly updates by revising and posting each draft. Well now I've reached that point where I have about 2-3 draft chapters written ahead of time.

Since I'm busy with work and family I don't get as much time to write so I'm trying to build up another stock of chapters. I will still try my hardest to update weekly but most likely there won't be anymore double chapter updates per week (depending on how many chapters I've written ahead). There will be teasers instead before the next update if the previous chapter gets a certain number of votes or if I just feel like throwing out a teaser 😊.

Next order of business - I started this book around October/November of last year and it's been going strong in terms of reception from readers and votes/comments. With 40+ chapters already added, I'd say that makes for a pretty long book. Even though there are other stories on wattpad which are longer than 80 chapters, unfortunately this book won't be as long. I just wanted to let my readers know that this book will be coming to an end soon 😔. But no need to start crying about that just yet, there's still at least another 7-8 chapters, maybe a few more if I can add more ideas to the story without taking the story in circles.

The good news is that there WILL be a sequel to this book called 'Forever By Your Side'. 

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions or comments about the book, feel free to share them.  I'll put out a teaser tomorrow for Thursday's chapter, so see you guys then 😊

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