Chapter 21

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>>>>> Tuesday Smackdown taping

I was still on suspension after having to miss an entire live show for Monday night Raw. Today, Seth and I were also removed from Smackdown tapings. With all the spare time on my hands, hoping she wouldn't mind, I went to hang out with Kiran in her office. Only she looked a bit busy with stacks of papers on her desk.

"Hey baby.....what are you doing with all those papers?" I came up behind her and kissed the top of her head.

"Trying not to drown in's the entire roster's annual checkup results."

"Take a break from all that and come here...."

"Why? Are you going to help me sort and upload them?"

"If I had any clue, I would... just come here for a second baby..." I took her by the hand and walked her over to the examination table where I helped her up on it. She was now at eye level with me standing in front of her.

"Roman....this table is for patients....not for me to lounge on."

"Well, I need you to make an exception this time because I wanna tell you something."

"For my man, I'll make an exception." She smiled sweetly.

"Kiran......I've realized that've become my everything since I've met you. I can't imagine my life being any other way....You're beautiful and just perfect....I know you might not be ready to hear this.....but.....I think I've fallen in love with you...."

My heart was pounding in my throat as I waited for her to respond. She just stared at my face with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Kiran...? Please say something before I pass out....I'm out on a limb here...."

The room was starting to feel hotter, thinking maybe I had made a mistake by pouring out my feelings and making myself look like an idiot.

A second later, Kiran threw her arms around my neck and pulled me into a tight hug. She planted a kiss on my cheek and then proceeded to hold me in her arms. I let out a sigh of relief.

"I can't believe this is really happening... I never thought the guy I love would love me back...." She sweetly whispered into my ear, trailing soft kisses on my cheek.

"You better believe it!...I love you so, so much baby girl..."

"I love you sexy Samoan Superman...."

She cupped my face with her warm, soft hands and leaned forward, pressing her lips to mine. I pulled her leg up closer to me and continued kissing her, brushing my tongue against her lips to ask for entrance. She excitedly parted her lips a little more and danced her tongue around mine. I moved a hand just under her tank top, gently tracing my fingers across her stomach and tickling her - boy, was she ticklish. She began giggling while her lips were still on mine. My other hand was on her butt when I felt her phone vibrating in her back pocket. While still making out with her, I pulled her phone out to see who had dared to dial her while we were busy.

"Roman....gimme the phone....who is it?" I broke away from his lips.

"Dr. Amann....lemme tell him you'll call back later." He smirked.

"You're not even supposed to be here, Roman. I'm gonna tell him you snuck in here...."

Before I had the chance to answer, the call went to voicemail.

"Oooops......." Roman held the phone out in front of him with his eyes widened and his lips holding back a smile.

"You dumbass," I smacked his arm and snatched my phone from him.

I quickly called Dr. Amann back, who wanted me to go review and flag a few of the talents' paperwork who already had ongoing injuries. After hanging up, I looked at Roman.

"I'm done for the day here! Help me down? I have heels on..."

"Gladly, my love...."

He helped me off the exam table and waited for me to clear off my desk. I locked them up in the file cabinet and grabbed my bag before we both left. I was a little worried about people seeing Roman coming out of my office like that because this wasn't the first time he had been caught hanging around here. Even though we were a couple, I didn't want people thinking we were being unprofessional. Roman escorted me upstairs to where Seth and Dean were standing by the backstage area. He saw Seth and headed off to catering instead.

"Deeeeean!!" Now that I had his attention, I ran and jumped into his arms to hug him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me back tightly while still holding me off the ground. "Dean...he said he loves me!!!!"

"Oh, that big ol' softie! I knew he had it in him.... I'm so happy for you two. You deserve him."

"Thank you, Dean!"

He kissed my cheek before letting me go. Dean was one of my closest friends right after Roman, and I had to share the good news with him first. I completely forgot Seth was standing with us as well, awkwardly looking at me. He had definitely heard me and just barely cracked a smile.

Dean went out for his match a few minutes later while Seth and I watched quietly from the backstage monitor.


Roman was already by the car with his stuff in the trunk and was waiting for us. We had the rest of the week off, so everyone was planning on going home. Our flight was tomorrow afternoon, but I didn't want to go back home since I was never on good terms with my family.

Kiran was awfully quiet in the car, which had me wondering if something was bothering her. Or maybe that jerkoff said something to her...

I pulled her into my arm and held her hand. "Babygirl... everything okay?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking about something...I'm going to stay at the hotel for the next few days so I won't be going with you guys to the airport tomorrow."

"What? Why?" Dean turned his head back from the front seat.

"I'm not on the best of terms with my family, so I'll just stick around at the hotel."

"No, you're not. You're staying with me at my place." I told her.

"Ro, I can't do that. I'll be fine at the hotel."

I don't know why she was being so difficult, but I didn't want her to stay on her own, so I would just talk to her privately later. We arrived at our hotel and went to the dining area to have dinner first because I was raging with hunger.

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