Chapter 29

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I just stood there, staring at that asshole who was gloating over his so called accomplishment. I knew if I told Ro about what happened the other day, he would be off the wall with me. He had already told me to stay away from him and I had promised I would.

"Don't worry babe, I'm giving you until tomorrow. If I don't win the match tomorrow then at least you should be there to make me feel better." With that said, he walked out the room.

I went to lay down on the bed and just listen to Roman's iPod on the dock. I ended up blasting Rise Against on the speakers, just so I could drown out the thoughts with the music. (One of my fave songs listed in media) An hour or so later Roman and Dean came back to our room, all pumped and ready for Fastlane tomorrow night. As soon as they entered, I quickly turned down the music just to make things more normal.

"Yo, how good would that title look on abs like these?" Roman was talking to Dean as they threw their sweaty towels in a heap on the floor. I quickly sat up and just looked at them two joking around. Dean walked over to the fridge to grab a cold juice for himself while Roman came up to me and dropped onto the bed, resting his head in my lap.

"Hey baby girl, did you miss me?"

I leaned down to give him a hard kiss on his lips even though we were upside down to each other. "Like always Ro."

Dean sat in the chair across the room and started scrolling through his phone. I couldn't get myself to make any conversation with either of them, so I just quietly leaned back against the headboard, stroking Roman's hair while Dean and him were chatting about tomorrow. After Dean left, he shut the door behind himself, leaving the two of us to ourselves.

Roman sat up right next to me and had me lean into his arm. "Babe, is something wrong? You've been awfully quiet since we came back. What's up?"

"Nothing...I'm fine." I tried to keep my voice steady. "Tell me something — you'll always love me no matter what, right?"

"You better believe that girl!" He wrapped an arm around the front of me and rested his face against my head. "Did something happen that's making you ask me this?"

"No, I just needed to hear it from you."

>>>>>> Sunday morning, Day of Fastlane

I couldn't believe what I was about to do right now. I was signed into Roman's Twitter account on my phone and had an open tweet draft with just a picture attached. It was of Roman, only he wasn't wearing any clothes, and just had his hand strategically placed over himself. This was the only way I could get Roman penalized from winning the match tonight if WWE officials saw this on his Twitter page. They wouldn't be able to fire him because the company needs him at this point so my only hope was that they would punish him lightly by not letting him headline Wrestlemania. I thought this numerous times over and it broke my heart to think about what hell I was about to put Roman through. I closed my eyes, letting the pooling tears brim over and roll down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Roman......."

With eyes still closed and a heavy heart, I tapped the "tweet" button and quickly turned the screen off my phone.

>>>>>Sunday afternoon

I was in the car on the way to the arena and happened to be scrolling through my phone at a red light. On my Twitter feed was something I would have never expected in a million years. Apparently, Roman had tweeted out his own nude pic.

"Ohhh shit! What an idiot!" I couldn't stop laughing at how perfectly this played out.

There was also a text from Kiran in my messages. I clicked on her thread and opened her text:

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