Chapter 36

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"Dean, are you okay? Let me see...." I moved his hand away from his lips and saw he was bleeding from the side of his mouth.

"I'm fine....that fucker got me on my lip." He complained of the stinging so I grabbed a wet paper towel and started wiping away the blood. He kept wincing each time I went over the cut so I had to hold his face with one hand while using the other to clean his cut.

"Dean, I swear you two are so stupid for fighting. What if someone finds out? I mean just look what he did to you..."

"Not as bad as what I did to him. Let me tell you something....he might be my best friend....even my brother....but he deserved every bit of that beating. He can't hurt you like that and then think everything is okay."

"I really do appreciate the thought but I don't want you guys risking your freakin' careers over me. Promise me, you won't fight with him again over this...."

"I'm not gonna make a promise that I can't keep"

"Pinky swear then?" I held out my pinky to him.


I didn't care what he said. I reached for his hand and interlocked my pinky with his. "There, you pinky swear. You're not going to get physical with Roman."

He rolled his eyes and smiled while seating me next to him and throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"Tell me something — how come you never pressed charges against him? You know you could have done that and gotten the authorities involved..." He asked quietly.

"I don't know...I kinda feel like he didn't do it intentionally....he was really drunk that night..."

"So that makes it okay for him to do whatever he wanted? Because he was drunk?"

"No...but....I don't know...I guess I don't have an answer for that."

"Look, I'm not trying to put you on the spot or anything, I just want you to know it's okay to put yourself first. Whatever you decide, I'll respect that decision. If you want to get him arrested, I'm with you, if not, then I'm still with you."

"Thanks Dean."

"And I don't want you being afraid around him anymore. Don't give him that kind of power over you. He can't hurt you, not with me around. You're my closest friend and I don't care who comes at you, I'll protect you."

"I won't." I gave him a hug before we got back into our own beds.

>>>>> Outside the hotel

I can't believe that idiot of a friend...he fights with me over a girl? And not just any girl, but MY girlfriend? He's trying to take my place in Kiran's life....fucking bastard! And Kiran, she's all good with him but when I come around her, she pretends to be distraught, just to get Dean's sympathy and attention. Our fight wasn't even that serious...

>>>>>>> The next day

I was on my way to my locker room after my match and happened to pass by the catering hall when Kiran caught my eye. I turned back a step and poked my head into the room and saw her sitting alone in the back. She didn't look as miserable as I thought she would be after her breakup which was disappointing. I went in and  pulled up a chair next to her and gave her a cheesy smile. She greeted me with an unimpressed look.

"What do you want?" She snapped at me.

"Why do you always assume I want something from you? I just stopped by to see how you're doing. Roman probably gave you a rough time after finding out about that video, right?... How is life without your Samoan boyfriend anyway?.....I mean ex-boyfriend."

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