Chapter 35

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One thing I couldn't stand is when people didn't mind their own damn business. Now there was another group of nosey-ass people staring at us after what had just happened. I pushed past them and got Kiran out of the gym and into the open air. She had a tight grip around me but I managed to use my free hand to open the door to our rental and helped her in. I made my way to the other side and jumped in as well. Just getting her away from everything made all the difference, atleast she had calmed herself down. Before saying anything to Kiran, I drove us off to a secluded area by the park so that nobody would bother us. I shut off the engine and turned to face Kiran.

She stared straight ahead with tears silently rolling down her cheeks. I put my hand on her shoulder and gently shook her but she wouldn't respond.

"Kiran....babe, look this way and talk to me......What was all that back there?"

She continued looking ahead of her and slowly shook her head. I didn't know how to get her to talk without making things worse. I moved closer to her and pulled her into my arms, allowing her to rest her head under my chin and stroked the side of her arm.

"What did he do to you?....."

I couldn't believe how I let myself melt down like that at the gym. That was not supposed to happen, especially in front of Dean. Now, here he was asking me the details and I had no words for him. What would he think of Roman if I told him what he did? Then again I shouldn't be caring so much about Roman. He's in the wrong...not me.

"Babe...I'm asking you something....tell me what he did..."

"I already told you, he didn't do anything...." I replied, trying to make myself sound believable.

"Do you trust me Kiran? Do you trust your best friend enough to tell him what's hurting you?"

I snaked my arms around him and closed my eyes, while feeling the tears run down my face.

"It's killing me to see you like this and I don't even know how to help you if I don't know what's wrong..."

"He....he tried to....force himself...on me...."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. Roman tried to assault her?

" mean I don't understand...what happened?"

"He was drunk....and...f-first.....he had Summer in his room...he came on h-her....then w-when I kicked her out....we s-started fighting.....and t-that's when....he......" She began sobbing again.

I didn't make her say anymore but instead just held her there and comforted her. Now everything made sense....why she wouldn't go near Roman and the bruises on her wrists and thighs. Even though she hadn't shown me the ones on her thighs, she wore shorts numerous times thinking they wouldn't show but I did get a glimpse of the purple and brown marks peeking from the edges but I never asked her about them. Roman was definitely going to pay for this.

>>>>> Next day at work

Roman was my best friend and my brother, but after what Kiran told me yesterday, I couldn't even stand to look at him without wanting to break his face. He loved Kiran, I never thought he would try to hurt her like that. After a rather violent tag match tonight against the Dudley Boyz and a lot of tables, I went to the trainer's room to find Kiran so we could grab food and then go to the hotel.

"Hey done with your work?"

"Yeah pretty much...lemme just get my stuff together and we'll head out. But first come stand over here a minute."

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