Chapter 10

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I texted Roman, asking him to come see me when he had a chance. In the meantime time, I filed paperwork while watching the matches on screen. To be honest, tonight's show was off to a dull start - Rusev, Rybaxel, a segment of Paul Heyman, who cares?

A slow knock on my door caught my attention. Roman stood tall in the doorway, dressed in his work clothes, looking flawless as usual. "You know, you don't have to knock, right?"

"I'll keep that in mind next time. Uh... do you think you can check my eye for a second? I think I pulled the stitches or something." He propped himself up onto the examination table and moved his hair out of his face.

Immediately putting down my papers, I stretched on some rubber gloves and went over to Roman, carefully examining the stitches, which started to bleed again.

"Ro, you have to be more careful. How did you manage to do this?" I gently dabbed at the blood with an alcohol wipe, causing him to wince. I sprayed on some local anesthetic around his stitches to ease some of the pain.

"I think I was rubbing my eye and hit the stitches."

"Yeah... don't do that again. I don't want you missing ring time because of your carelessness." I applied some medicine which would help seal over the stitches and prevent bleeding. "There, all set now."

"Thank you, and I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time, promise." He rubbed my arm.

I walked over to shut the door and went back to where Roman was sitting on the table, leaning an elbow on the table beside him, and kept my gaze on the floor.

"Roman-I... uh... I wanted to ask you something." My voice refused to come out barely above a whisper.

"Yeah, sure. Go for it."

"Do you... um... I don't know how to ask this-"

He lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger, bringing me back to his mysterious grey-green eyes. There was a glimmer of mischief, hinting at a playful nature beneath his brooding exterior.

"Don't be afraid, you can ask me anything..."

"Do you...have feelings for anyone?" At the sound of my words, Roman's expression went blank.

"Just out of curiosity, what made you want to ask this all of a sudden? Did someone say something to you?" He asked, raising a brow at me.

I nodded my head, "You did. Last night."

"What? When did that happen?"

"Last night, when you were drunk... and you were talking about 'your girl' Karen and how you like her."

Roman lowered his head with eyes closed, taking the bridge of his nose between his fingers, and began to laugh."

"What? What's so funny?... Why are you laughing??"

"Because... I don't know who Karen is. I have feelings for you, but I don't know who Karen is-"

"But you said-wait what?"

He scooted off the table and straightened himself out, then placed his broad hands over my shoulders, looking down at me with a nervous smile, and nodded, "I've had feelings for you since day one. I know it may seem sudden, but I can't help the way I feel. Every time we're together, I feel so happy and comfortable around you. I love the way you make me laugh, the way you listen to me when I need someone to talk to. You are patient, kind, and not to mention gorgeous. I've never felt this way before with anyone. But that's my problem to worry about, not yours."

I was taken aback by his reply. He let go of my shoulders and crossed his arms over his chest while leaning against the table. He was trying hard not to smile.

"Well that explains the limo ride last night..."

"Why, what happened?"

"You had me pulled in your lap, tried to kiss me-which you did, and then you fell asleep holding me."

Roman covered his face with his hand, trying to hide the smile forming on his lips. "Oh geez! I am so sorry you had to deal with my drunk ass like that last night. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."

"No, it was actually kind of cute. I'd love to go out with you again sometime."

Folding his arms again, he tilted his head slightly and arched a brow at me, "Really? Is that so?"

Grinning back, he opened his arms to me, "Babygirl, come here."

I stepped into his arms, he tightened them around my waist, and pulled me into a bear hug, lifting me right off the ground. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back.

"You give the best hugs!" I closed my eyes and just held onto him, losing myself in the moment.

"Well, you're in luck because you're the only one getting these from now on." He softly spoke into my ear, as his beard tickled against my skin. Without a struggle this time, Roman pressed his lips on my cheek, landing a perfect kiss.

"Kiran - would it be okay if I call you mine?"

Being called 'Roman's girl'? Uhh...Yes! "That would be very okay." I squeaked, hugging him just a little tighter.

Just them, someone began urgently knocking on the door. And I was thinking about kissing him...

"Ro, put me down, someone's at the door." I whispered to him. He quickly let me go and seated himself back onto the examination table, holding an ice pack to his eye for the added effect.

I opened the door to find Dean standing in his ring gear and gave me a smile. Before he could say anything, he spotted Roman sitting behind me.

"I've been looking all over for you! What are you doing here?" He looked over my head to Roman, who got off the table and was walking toward us with the ice pack still in hand.

"I'll fucking tell you what I was doing...come here boy!" Roman chased him out the room and down the hall, trying to shove the icepack down his vest.

"Sorry Kiran!" Dean shouted from down the hall.

I loved these guys, they were hilarious when they squabbled like that. I went back to finishing up my work while seeing the gorgeous Roman making his entrance down the stairs. They had him as guest commentator for the tag match, which ended in a DQ, as Bray Wyatt interfered in the match. All six had a stand-off, leaving the crowd chanting, "This is awesome!"

I packed up my stuff and eagerly headed out to the main lobby, looking around to see if the guys were already there. I spotted them from afar, signing autographs for a few of the fans. I was hardly able to contain my excitement to see Roman. Once the little fan crowd cleared, I rushed over to them.

"Hey guys! Great show tonight!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Roman leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. Seth had to do a double take. His brow was arched, but he remained quiet.

"Can we grab food from outside, I'm bored of eating at the hotel." Dean suggested as we walked to the parking lot, looking around for our rental car.

"I second that!" Roman added in.

We got our bags in the car and drove to Chipotle. Dean ran in to order our food while the rest of us sat in the car. It was dead silent so I hit the radio on. Roman grabbed my hand and held it, giving me a smile. I knew Seth was watching us from behind, but I didn't care. If he wanted to try and smooth things out with me, he had to accept us and move on. I still wouldn't forgive him for hurting Roman, but we could try and be friends.

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