CHAPTER 43: Running Away is not an Option

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Chapter summary: Chef Takei and Anna talk. Anna's insight about Miel's unexpected words and how it affected her afterwards. The last day of the Baguio trip.

Chapter 43

"Running Away is not an Option''



The event before I felt Miel's warmth around me was hazy. The only thing I could feel back then was the familiar sense of panic rushing through me, it felt as if I could hear and see how those monsters killed my parents again.

It was an overwhelming feeling, and I'm not strong enough to handle it no matter how high my rank is in martial arts.

I'm not afraid of the dark, it was the familiar embrace of darkness I was afarid of ― succumbing me with no chance to escape.

Just like when I was inside the dark tiny compartment.

When I heard Miel's familiar voice near me, I started to calm down. For some reason I felt safe, not as safe as when I'm with Takei-san, but it was enough for me to tell that it's already fine.

That the darkness trying to pull me away was now gone.

The voices, the screams, the vivid images were nothing but a memory. It affected me still, but the thought that it was only in the past lifted half of the heavy load inside my chest.

That it was going to be fine. Maybe not now, but it will be. Miel's gentle touch told me that it will be.

When he told me to cry, I have no idea why the only right thing to do at that moment was to do that. I wasn't in the right mind, obviously, because I didn't miss the part where he told me that he liked me.

Which shocked me until now.

What was shocking with this, anyway? At some point, the idea was not far-fetched. It was almost obvious, I only ignored it because I don't want to get involved with anything I sort of know would be trouble.

I only complied when Miel decided to led me somewhere cleaner than the bathroom's floor ― at the lobby's sofa ― and I have no reason to deny that.

My confused self and the frantic beating of my heart calmed down once I heard the familiar voice of Takei-san. At that moment, all I could think of was to run away ― from this dorm, from this country, from this past, from this problem, from this life. 

From this feelings.

-Conversation in Japanese-

"How are you feeling, little boss?'' Takei-san asked me once we were now alone. I tried hard not to tremble. "Base from what I heard from the kids, it was not peaceful. Have...have you endured another attack again?"

I tried not to grimace. "I see you are aware of my condition. It's not really surprising,"

"I heard it from your brothers, not from your guards. Your condition is not something your guards were willing to share to me. And if they were willing, I'm very certain your brothers obliged them not to tell to anyone."

"I feel like I have an incurable disease that no one must know," I said. "I hate it."

"It's not fatal, little boss, and I'm positive you are going to get cured," Takei-san said. "But until then, I can't say this isn't something serious. This is disturbing. The rumors, that I could still tolerate, but locking you inside the bathroom, doing it for their fun and resulting with triggering your attacks, that I wouldn't be able to let go. If that male friend of yours wasn't there to help you, I..." Takei gulped as he tried to search for a word to say, "I don't want to say this, but your safety is the only thing I'd care if something did happen to you."

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