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Bethany and Barry both sat on her new couch in a huff. "That was exhausting." Bethany sighed rubbing her temples.

Barry laughed. "You're welcome by the way."

"For what?"

"For the shirt." Barry pointed to his shirt Bethany was still wearing. This time she was the one to blush. "Oh right. Yes, thank you. Do you want it back?"

"You know what keep it, and we'll call it even." He smiled that one smile Bethany learned to adore the whole two hours she spent with Barry.

"So ugh what do you want to do then? I have nothing left to do here, and there's still plenty of daytime left. Mind showing me around the city? The is my first time here in Central City so I have no idea where everything is. We can take a rain check if you need to do other things. Either that or Eddie could show me around."

"Oh no I don't mind. I would love to actually. I was just wondering why you would move here of all places?" Barry asked his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Honestly I'm only going to be here temporarily. I'm not much for settling down. I guess you could say I'm a bit of an adventurer. I've been hearing stories of this impossible man called The Flash. The impossible is what I live for." Bethany smiled her mind wandering. It was more than that. The impossible was her life. Her entire being.

"He's dangerous. You should just stay away." Barry said suddenly serious.

Bethany laughed, but stopped herself with a cough seeing Barry's expression. "You can't be serious. He saves people. Aside from bad guys who has he hurt?"

"No one but-"

"I think I can handle myself Barry. I lived in a place where I had to fight to see the sunlight. I think I can handle a superhero. I have something-" Bethany shook her head not wanting to discuss the topic anymore. "Are you going to show me around or would you rather talk in circles?"

He raised an eyebrow at her, but made no comment as he lead Beth outside. There was a silence as they walked around the few blocks from Bethany's apartment. Barry stopped in front of a place called CC Jitters.

"What're we doing here?"

"You feel up to some really good coffee?"

"Yeah sure." She said smiling as the tense atmosphere dissipated. The smell of ground coffee and vanilla reminding her of her old home. The long nights at the café across the street. Eddie's mom dropping off breakfast in the morning before heading to work. Those were the good days.

"What would you like?" Barry asked shaking her out of her thoughts.

"Uh...Just a coffee with cream and sugar please." He nodded ordering for the both of them. She made a mental note to pay him back later.

"Here you go." He said taking a seat in front of her.

"I like this city. It's so much nicer than New York City. Not as dirty."

Barry nodded sipping from his drink.

"Hey you two." Iris said with Eddie on her arm.

"Hey Barry. Bethany, I'm sorry I couldn't show you around like I promised." Eddie frowned.

"It's perfectly fine. Barry made my day by showing me around. You can make it up to me another time." Bethany smiled before turning to Iris. "So Iris I hear you're into journalism?"

"Yeah I actually got a job at Picture News." She smiled her eyes sparkling with self pride.

"That's great! I'm sure you'll be awesome."

"But what about you Bethany? What are you here for? You obviously didn't move here just for me." Eddie asked.

Bethany smiled. "I'm here for an adventure. You know me. New scenery. Always gotta have something to do."

"Same old Beth chasing fairy tales." Eddie teased. "You have to hear about all the things she's been chasing after."

"They're not fairy tales Edward, and my adventures can be talked about another time." Bethany pouted earning chuckles from everyone except Barry.

Barry got a call on his phone interrupting the conversation. He quickly hopped up to answer it Bethany staring after him sipping her coffee.

"Eddie do you mind grabbing me a coffee?"

"Sure thing babe." Eddie kissed Iris's cheek leaving the two girls alone.

"I see the way you look at Barry." Iris whispered eyes locked on Bethany's. She choked on her drink surprised at Iris's statement.

"What? No Iris, Barry is very attractive, but we just met."

"That doesn't stop you from staring." Iris said laughing at Bethany.

"I won't deny he is nice to look at."

"Who is nice to look at?" Barry asked coming back.

"No one." Iris and Bethany said in unison both girls giving each other a look.

"Alright well I gotta head to S.T.A.R. Labs. They have testing they want to do. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye Barry." Iris called after him. Bethany smiling giving him a wave.

"What's he doing at S.T.A.R. Labs? I thought that place had blown up with the particle accelerator." Bethany commented a confused look on her face.

"It did, but only parts of it. Barry was struck by lightning the night of the explosion, and S.T.A.R. Labs has been testing him to make sure he's okay. He was in a coma for 9 months."

"Holy shit nine months?! He is okay though right? That's awful, and scary dangerous."

"Yeah he's fine. Just took him awhile to come back to us is all." Iris smiled brightly when Eddie finally had come back with his and her coffee.

"Well I'm gonna head home. See you guys tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure thing Bethany." Eddie said.

"I want to hear all your crazy stories some time Bethany!" Iris said. "Maybe I can write about them."

"Call me Beth. You can call me anytime Eddie has my number. It was nice meeting you Iris!" Bethany gave both friends a hug before leaving, and heading home.

It's time to find The Flash.


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