T H I R T Y - T W O

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"Max?" Bethany breathed unable to believe what she was seeing. This couldn't be real. Her mind was racing. Her memory of his corpse seeming too real. Bethany was so sure that he had died.

"Beth it's been awhile." He smiled as if this wasn't crazy. As if he hadn't died all those years ago. Beth stumbled over her words. Her lip trembling as tears formed in her eyes.

"I saw you die. I checked for a pulse. You...You were dead Max." Bethany said taking a step back. For what reason she didn't really know. What she really wanted to do was touch him. She needed to make sure this was real.

Then another thought crossed her mind. "You're setting me up. This isn't real." Bethany's mind was swimming. She looked between Tina and Max. They tricked her. Bethany's memory and who was standing in front of her couldn't possibly be the real Max. She held her head staring at the ground. "No...no this...you're not real!" She screamed backing up only to feel the damp cave wall against her back.

"Bethany take a second to calm down." Max put his hands up as if to surrender. He took a few steps closer, but Bethany bolted. "Bethany wait!"

She dove right back into the water without another look back. She didn't stop, and pushed her body to move faster. She broke the surface gasping as she pulled herself up on to the bank.  She could hear someone, maybe even both of them, follow her. Her arms burned and ached to rest. Just as she managed to stand up Max and Tina surfaced. She couldn't bare too look at either of them. She was muddy, and all she could think about was how she could be home with Barry. She had put herself at risk when she should have tried harder to get away. Tina and this person with Max's face are no better than the doctor himself. They are his puppets. Bethany was so stupid to think they would be on her side.

"Bethany wait!" He called, but she was already running into the jungle. Tripping and falling as she ran through bushes, and jumped over fallen logs. Left and right she wacked leaves out of her face not slowing for a second.

A sudden pressure on her mind made her collapse. She cried out in pain as she went into a fetal position. Tucking her head tightly to her knees.

"Doctor there's someone over here!" She heard an unknown voice call out. Bethany was in too much pain to really comprehend what was going on.

"Oh my dear Bethany. Isn't this a surprise."

She looked up seeing through her blurred vision the man who did this to her. He went to touch her cheek, but Bethany slapped at his hand. Missing she just swat at the air.

Squinting her eyes she started fighting back control of her mind. Dr. Siward only smiled. "Oh how I've missed you."

"Stay away from me." Bethany hissed fighting hard against the opposing force on her mind. Two men reached out to grab her but she screamed throwing out her hands to protect herself, and sent out a blast of energy knocking them all back.

The pressure on her mind faltered, and she scrambled on the ground to get up. As soon as she was up she ran.

She ran hard. Harder than she ever had before. This was a mistake. Coming here was a mistake. Barry I'm so sorry she thought as years stung her eyes only making it more difficult to navigate through the jungle.

Bethany stumbled and fell right down a steep incline. Freefalling her eyes widened in fear. Instinctively her hands shot out in front of her in the hopes of cushioning her fall to no avail. She rolled head over heels before cracking her head against a large rock her body going limp at the bottom. Hidden in the thick brush she stayed there as night fell.


Barry had a bad feeling all day. Something in his chest told him that Bethany was in trouble.

"I need to see she's okay."

"She is going to be just fine Barry." Cisco commented from his work space.

"I know but...something is wrong Cisco. I can feel it. I just know."

"You don't even know where she is Barry."

"I know the city and that's good enough for me."

"Listen Barry I'm all for you going down there and kicking ass, but we have a problem here. Meta human on the loose as we speak."

"Then tell me how to find him, and I'll take care of him."

"It's not that easy Barry. Rainbow-Raider isn't found easily."

"I'll search the whole city if I have to!" Barry yelled slamming his fist on Cisco's metal table.

"Don't get angry with me Barry. We're all doing our best. If that's not good enough then you can do it your goddamn self." Cisco huffed grabbing his coat and rushing out of the room.

Barry felt a twinge of guilt in his chest as he watched his best friend leave. Barry sighed. "Listen Barry, I know this is hard, but you have to focus. Bethany can handle herself." Caitlin said from the doorway she had been leaning on before she walked in the cortex to stand next to Barry. She put a hand on his shoulder not really sure how to comfort her friend properly.

"You heard?"

"I may have been eavesdropping. I'm all for you going down there as well, but Cisco is right. Let's take care of this problem first alright?"

"Yeah, okay Cailtin. Then I'm going down there. The city can wait a day or two after we catch this guy."

Caitlin smiled. "The city has us while you're gone. It'll be fine."


Holy shit guys. 27k?! Where have I been? Last time I checked I was at about 12k

I love you guys so much ohmygod



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